Gaming Dongle Feature Application Note



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Table List

Figure List





Gaming Dongle


Wireless Connection with Dongle


Serial Port Profile


Declaration Identification


Vendor Identification


Product Identification


Extended Inquiry Response


Universally Unique Identifier


Audio Passthrough


USB Audio Class


Man-Machine Interface


Media Access Control

1 Introduction

This feature, which includes a dongle and a headset, offers a complete low-latency media playback solution.
This page explains the process by which the headset and dongle can communicate and identify one another.
It will also introduce the key features of this combination solution, which are as follows:

  • Voice over SPP

  • Low-latency gaming mode

  • Gaming-chat volume control

  • Dual-mode

  • Audio source switch

  • Multi-pairing

2 Enable Gaming Dongle Feature

To define and set both F_APP_COMMON_DONGLE_SUPPORT and F_APP_GAMING_DONGLE_SUPPORT to 1 in app_flags.h, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the app_flags.h file in your code editor.

  2. Locate the section where the app flags are defined.

  3. Find the line that sets F_APP_COMMON_DONGLE_SUPPORT and change its value to 1.

  4. Find the line that sets F_APP_GAMING_DONGLE_SUPPORT and change its value to 1.

  5. Save the changes made to app_flags.h.

Now, both F_APP_COMMON_DONGLE_SUPPORT and F_APP_GAMING_DONGLE_SUPPORT will be defined and set to 1 in app_flags.h.

//enable compiler flags in app_flags.h
#define F_APP_COMMON_DONGLE_SUPPORT                 1
#define F_APP_GAMING_DONGLE_SUPPORT                 1

3 How to Identify

3.1 How Headset to Identify Dongle

The headset will parse the DID information in order to identify the dongle.
For proper identification, the dongle’s VID must be set to 0x0bda, and its PID should be either 0x875a or 0x875b.


It is important to note that once the headset adds the dongle to its paired record list, it will retain this record even if a factory reset is performed.

static void app_bt_policy_cback(T_BT_EVENT event_type, void *event_buf, uint16_t buf_len)
    switch (event_type)
        case  BT_EVENT_DID_ATTR_INFO:
            T_APP_BR_LINK *p_link = NULL;

            p_link = app_find_br_link(param->did_attr_info.bd_addr);

            if (p_link != NULL)
                if ((param->did_attr_info.vendor_id == 0x0bda) &&
                    ((param->did_attr_info.product_id == 0x875a) || (param->did_attr_info.product_id == 0x875b)))
                    memcpy(app_db.connected_dongle_addr, param->did_attr_info.bd_addr, 6);

void app_audio_update_dongle_flag(bool is_dongle)
    app_db.remote_is_dongle = is_dongle;

void app_bond_add_dongle_bond_info(uint8_t *bd_addr)
    bt_bond_flag_add(bd_addr, BOND_FLAG_DONGLE);

3.2 How Dongle to Identify Headset

The dongle will parse EIR information to identify the headset.
The headset will set the EIR by using the function app_dongle_common_set_ext_eir() when it receives the stack ready event.

static void app_dongle_common_device_event_cback(uint32_t event, void *msg)
    switch (event_type)

static void app_dongle_common_set_ext_eir(void)
    uint8_t p_eir[10];

    p_eir[0] = 9; /* length */
    p_eir[1] = 0xFF;
    p_eir[2] = 0x5D;
    p_eir[3] = 0x00;
    p_eir[4] = 0x08;
    p_eir[5] = (remote_session_role_get() == REMOTE_SESSION_ROLE_SINGLE) ? 0x02 : 0x03;
    p_eir[6] = 0x0;

    //Set pairing ID
    p_eir[7] = (app_cfg_const.rws_custom_uuid >> 8);
    p_eir[8] = app_cfg_const.rws_custom_uuid & 0xFF;

        bit 1~0: Set SPP Voice Sample Rate.
        bit   2: Set Multilink feature bit.
        bit 7~3: rsv.
    p_eir[9] = app_cfg_const.spp_voice_smaple_rate & 0x03;
    p_eir[9] |= app_cfg_const.enable_multi_link << 2;

    gap_br_set_ext_eir(&p_eir[0], 10);

The following table provides a detailed description of the data format used in EIR:

Table 3-1 EIR Data Format
Byte Bit Value Notes
Byte 0 ALL 0x09 Payload length
Byte 1 ALL 0xFF Manufacturer Specific
Byte 2 ALL 0x5D
Byte 3 ALL 0x00
Byte 4 ALL 0x08
Byte 5 BIT 0 0 0: Stereo
1: TWS
BIT 1 1
BIT 2 0 0: Support microphone
1: Not support microphone
BIT [3~7] 0 Reserved
Byte 6 ALL 0x00
Byte [7~8] ALL Pairing ID This value would be set via MCU config tool in RWS subtab.
Byte 9 BIT [0~1] Sample rate used in voice over SPP 0: 16K
1: 32K
2&3 : Reserved
This value would be set via MCU config tool in Audio subtab.
BIT 2 Multi-link support 0: Disable Multi-link support
1: Enable Multi-link support
This value would be set via MCU config tool in General subtab.
BIT [3~7] 0 Reserved

4 Private SPP Channel & SPP Data Format

The headset establishes communication with the dongle through the SPP on the RFC_SPP_DONGLE_CHANN_NUM channel.

The SPP service UUID is defined in the dongle_service_class_uuid128.

#define RFC_SPP_DONGLE_CHANN_NUM        17

static const uint8_t dongle_service_class_uuid128[16] =
    0x12, 0xA2, 0x4D, 0x2E, 0xFE, 0x14, 0x48, 0x8e, 0x93, 0xD2, 0x17, 0x3C, 0x5A, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00

The format of the SPP data that is sent between the gaming dongle and headset is specified in the table below.

Table 4-1 SPP Data Format
Byte Bit Description Notes
Byte 0 ALL SPP data start byte Value is 0x52
Byte 1 BIT [0~1] Data type 0: Voice packet
1: Command packet
2&3: Reserved
BIT [2~7] NOT used now
Byte 2 ALL Payload length
Byte [3 ~ (len+2)] ALL Payload
Byte (len+3) ALL SPP data stop byte Value is 0x54

The command type that is currently in use is as follows:

typedef enum
    DONGLE_CMD_SET_GAMING_MOE           = 0x01,
    DONGLE_CMD_REQ_OPEN_MIC             = 0x03,
    DONGLE_CMD_SET_VOL_BALANCE          = 0x06,
    DONGLE_CMD_CTRL_RAW_DATA            = 0x08,
    DONGLE_CMD_CFU_DATA                 = 0x11,
    DONGLE_CMD_MTE_DATA                 = 0x12,
    DONGLE_CMD_VP_UPDATE_DATA           = 0x13,

5 Voice over SPP

5.1 Flow Chart of Starting Mic Recording


Turning off APT before recording is required since voice over SPP and APT conflict.

Figure 5-1 Start Microphone Recording

5.2 Flow Chart of Stopping Mic Recording

Figure 5-2 Stop Microphone Recording

5.3 Data Formats of Command and Voice Packet

The microphone of the headset can be toggled on or off by dongle, which sends the necessary commands to inform the headset.

The command format is shown in the table below:

Table 5-1 Turn On/Off Headset's Mircophone Command Format
Dongle requestes to turn on/off headset's microphone
Byte Bit Value Notes
Byte 0 ALL 0x52 Data start byte
Byte 1 ALL 0x01 Date type (Command packet)
Byte 2 ALL 0x02 Payload length
Byte 3 ALL 0x03 Command type
(Request to turn on/off microphone)
Byte 4 ALL 0x1 or 0x0 0x1: turn on microphone
0x0: turn off microphone
Byte 5 ALL 0x54 Data stop byte

The format of voice packet transmitted from Headset to dongle is shown below:

Table 5-2 Voice Packet Data Format
Voice packets sent to gaming dongle
Byte Bit Value Notes
Byte 0 ALL 0x52 Data start byte
Byte 1 BIT [0~1] 0x00 Date type (Voice packet)
BIT [2~7] 0x0 NOT used now
Byte 2 ALL len Payload length
Byte [3 ~ (len+2)] ALL voice data Encoded microphone data from DSP
Byte (len+3) ALL 0x54 Data stop byte

5.4 Parameters of Voice Data

The voice data is encoded using SBC, and the SBC parameters are detailed in the table provided below:

Table 5-3 Parameters of Voice Data
sample rate 16k/32k
(According to MCU config tool)
channel mode Mono
block length 16
subband number 8
allocation method Loudness
bitpool 22

5.5 Microphone Mute/Unmute LED

This headset feature includes an LED that indicates the mute/unmute status of the microphone.

To toggle the microphone mute/unmute function, a key can be configured using the MCU config tool.

Figure 5-3 Key MMI to Mute/Unmte Microphone

Additionally, this feature relies on output indication 3 to function properly.
In order to utilize this feature, the user needs to connect an LED to the pin assigned for output indication 3.
The pin will be pulled either high or low based on the setting when the microphone is muted or unmuted.

Figure 5-4 Feautre Setting of Output Indication 3

Figure 5-5 Pinmux Setting of Output Indication 3

6 Low-Latency Gaming Mode

When the streaming device is a dongle, the headset will switch to low-latency gaming mode.

6.1 Enter/Exit Low-Latency Gaming Mode

The headset is responsible for initiating the entering and exiting of low-latency gaming mode.
The dongle will send the corresponding command to the headset.
It is expected that the headset will be in low-latency gaming mode when connected to a dongle as the streaming device.

6.2 Gaming Mode Command Format

The following tables outline the SPP data format for commands initiated by the headset and commands sent by the dongle, respectively.

Table 6-1 Gaming Mode Commonad Initiated by Headset
Command sent by headset
Byte Bit Value Notes
Byte 0 ALL 0x52 Data start byte
Byte 1 ALL 0x01 Date type (Command packet)
Byte 2 ALL 0x02 Payload length
Byte 3 ALL 0x02 Command type
(Request Gaming Mode)
Byte 4 ALL 0x1 or 0x0 0x1: Enter gaming mode
0x0: Exit gaming mode
Byte 5 ALL 0x54 Data stop byte
Table 6-2 Gaming Mode Commonad Sent by Dongle
Command sent by dongle
Byte Bit Value Notes
Byte 0 ALL 0x52 Data start byte
Byte 1 ALL 0x01 Date type (Command packet)
Byte 2 ALL 0x02 Payload length
Byte 3 ALL 0x01 Command type
(Set Gaming Mode)
Byte 4 ALL 0x1 or 0x0 0x1: Enter gaming mode
0x0: Exit gaming mode
Byte 5 ALL 0x54 Data stop byte

7 Game-Chat Volume Control

This feature allows users to adjust the volume of the game and chat individually.
Therefore, the dongle must support dual UAC.

The following tables outline the SPP data format for commands sent by the headset and commands sent by the dongle, respectively.

Table 7-1 Volume Setting Command Sent by Headset
Setting message sent by dongle
Byte Bit Value Notes
Byte 0 ALL 0x52 Data start byte
Byte 1 ALL 0x01 Date type (Command packet)
Byte 2 ALL 0x04 Payload length
Byte 3 ALL 0x06 Command type
(Set volume balance)
Byte 4 ALL 0x0: Ack
0x2: Update
message type
Byte 5 ALL 0x0~ 0x64 gaming volume level
Byte 6 ALL 0x0~ 0x64 chat volume level
Byte 7 ALL 0x54 Data stop byte
Table 7-2 Volume Notification Command Sent by Dongle
Notification message sent by dongle
Byte Bit Value Notes
Byte 0 ALL 0x52 Data start byte
Byte 1 ALL 0x01 Date type (Command packet)
Byte 2 ALL 0x04 Payload length
Byte 3 ALL 0x06 Command type
(Set volume balance)
Byte 4 ALL 0x1: Inform message type
Byte 5 ALL 0x0~ 0x64 gaming volume level
Byte 6 ALL 0x0~ 0x64 chat volume level
Byte 7 ALL 0x54 Data stop byte

API: app_dongle_update_volume_balance() is used to update volume balance information recorded in headset to dongle.

Parameters gaming_level and chat_level stand for the volume of game and the volume of chat respectively.
The range of gaming_level and chat_level is 0~100, which stands for 0% ~ 100%.

app_dongle_update_volume_balance(gaming_level, chat_level);

8 Dual-Mode

Enabling this feature will introduce two modes in the headset: 2.4G mode and BT mode.

2.4G mode: Headset can only be searched for and connected by the dongle.

BT mode: Headset can be searched for and connected by any Bluetooth-enabled device, except for the dongle.

Following tables summarize the combination and expected result.

Table 8-1 Dual Mode Setting and Expected Result (Disable Multi-link)
Disable dual mode Enable dual mode - 2.4G mode Enable dual mode - BT mode
Dongle Disable dual mode Headset could be connected by dongle or other bluetooth devices Not support this case Not support this case
Enable dual mode Not support this case Headset ONLY could be connected by dongle Headset could be connected by bluetooth devices except dongle
Table 8-2 Dual Mode Setting and Expected Result (Enable Multi-link)
Disable dual mode Enable dual mode - 2.4G mode only Enable dual mode - 2.4G + BT mode
Dongle Disable dual mode Headset could be connected by dongle or other bluetooth devices Not support this case Not support this case
Enable dual mode Not support this case Headset ONLY could be connected by dongle Headset could be connected by dongle or other bluetooth devices

8.1 How to Setup Dual Mode

Users could find out option in MCU config tool.

Figure 8-1 Dual Mode Setting in Headset (General Subtab)

Figure 8-2 Dual Mode Setting in Dongle (Dongle Subtab)

In order to switch mode, a key should be set in MCU config tool.

Figure 8-3 Key MMI to Switch Mode

Besides, user could configure ringtones in MCU config tool. It will help to distinguish headset in which mode.

Figure 8-4 Exit/Enter 2.4G Mode Ringtone Setting

Figure 8-5 Power On in BT Mode Ringtone Setting

8.2 Pre-pair Up Dongle and Headset

To optimize the pairing process, we offer a pre-pairing flow.

By inputting the last three bytes of the headset’s MAC address into the dongle, the dongle will only connect to the headset with the specified last three bytes MAC address.

This feature ensures a faster and more streamlined pairing process, as the dongle will automatically search and connect to the headset with the matching MAC address.
Users can simply input the last three bytes of the headset’s MAC address into the dongle once, and subsequent connections will be established seamlessly without the need for manual pairing.

//used to record last three bytes MAC addres for pre-pair up process

9 Dongle/BT Audio Source Switch

This feature allows users to specify which connected device they want to use to play media.
By designating a specific device, users have the ability to control and choose where their media is streamed and played.

9.1 How to Setup Dongle/BT Audio Source Switch

Users could find out option in MCU config tool.


The option “Enable Multilink Support” in General Tab should be checked.

Figure 9-1 Audio Source Switch Setting (General Subtab)

To define and set both F_APP_GAMING_DONGLE_SUPPORT and F_APP_24G_BT_AUDIO_SOURCE_CTRL_SUPPORT to 1 in app_flags.h, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the app_flags.h file in your code editor.

  2. Locate the section where the app flags are defined.

  3. Find the line that sets F_APP_GAMING_DONGLE_SUPPORT and change its value to 1.

  4. Find the line that sets F_APP_24G_BT_AUDIO_SOURCE_CTRL_SUPPORT and change its value to 1.

  5. Save the changes made to app_flags.h.

Now, both F_APP_GAMING_DONGLE_SUPPORT and F_APP_24G_BT_AUDIO_SOURCE_CTRL_SUPPORT will be defined and set to 1 in app_flags.h.

#define F_APP_GAMING_DONGLE_SUPPORT                 1

In order to switch source between dongle and BT device, a key should be set in MCU config tool.

Figure 9-2 Audio Source Switch Key Setting

Besides, user could configure ringtones in MCU config tool. It will help users to distinguish source is selected to which device.

Figure 9-3 Audio Source Switch Ringtone Setting

9.2 Implement Description

In order to achieve this feature, the headset would prioritize and connect only the AVRCP and A2DP profiles with the selected device.

For example, if the headset is currently connected to both a dongle and a Bluetooth device simultaneously, and the user selects the dongle as the allowed source, the headset would automatically disconnect the AVRCP and A2DP profiles from the Bluetooth device and establish connections for AVRCP and A2DP with the dongle.

Similarly, if the headset is not connected to two devices simultaneously, and the user presses a switch key to change the allowed source, the headset would still perform the corresponding action of disconnecting from the current device and establishing connections with the newly selected device for AVRCP and A2DP.

//used to records currently allowed audio source

typedef enum
    ALLOWED_SOURCE_DONGLE   = 0x00,  // dongle
    ALLOWED_SOURCE_BT       = 0x01,  // other BT devices

10 Dual Mode Multi-pairing

Enabling this feature would introduce two different pairing modes: 2.4G pairing mode and BT pairing mode.


It is important to note that this feature only takes effect when the headset is in 2.4G + BT mode.

10.1 How to Setup Dual Mode Multi-pairing


The option “Enable Multilink Support” and “Enable Dongle Dual Mode” in General subtab should be checked.

Figure 10-1 Multi-Pairing Setting (General Subtab)

To define and set both F_APP_GAMING_DONGLE_SUPPORT and F_APP_DONGLE_MULTI_PAIRING to 1 in app_flags.h, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the app_flags.h file in your code editor.

  2. Locate the section where the app flags are defined.

  3. Find the line that sets F_APP_GAMING_DONGLE_SUPPORT and change its value to 1.

  4. Find the line that sets F_APP_DONGLE_MULTI_PAIRING and change its value to 1.

  5. Save the changes made to app_flags.h.

Now, both F_APP_GAMING_DONGLE_SUPPORT and F_APP_DONGLE_MULTI_PAIRING will be defined and set to 1 in app_flags.h.


In order to switch pairing mode, a key should be set in MCU config tool.

Figure 10-2 Pairing Mode Switch Key Setting

Besides, user could configure ringtones in MCU config tool. It will help users to distinguish which pairing mode is currently activated.

Figure 10-3 Multi-Pairing Ringtone Setting

10.2 More Description

If headset enters dongle pairing mode (default setting), users could switch to BT pairing mode via key.
It means users could select which kind of device could search and connect to headset.

Table 10-1 Multi-Pairing Expected Result
Dongle pairing mode BT pairing mode
Device Dongle Dongle could find out and connect headset Dongle could not find out headset
BT devices except dongle BT devices could not find out headset BT devices could find out and connect headset

When app_cfg_nv.is_bt_pairing is true, it means that the current activated pairing mode is BT pairing mode.

//used to records currently pairing mode