The watch_gradient_spot widget allows you to create a pointer watchface with dynamic water drops in the center.
Create watch_gradient_spot widget
You can create a watch gradient spot widget by calling the gui_watch_gradient_spot_create(parent, name, x, y, w, h).
Set center
If you wish to modify the central position of this widget, you can utilize gui_watch_gradient_spot_set_center(this, c_x, c_y) to make the adjustment. The coordinate points for the central position are c_x and c_y.
#include "root_image_hongkong/ui_resource.h"
#include "gui_img.h"
#include "gui_win.h"
#include "gui_watch_gradient_spot.h"
#include "gui_text.h"
#include "gui_watchface_gradient.h"
#include "gui_cardview.h"
#include "gui_card.h"
#include "gui_tab.h"
#include "gui_app.h"
gui_win_t *win_watch;
gui_img_t *img;
gui_watch_gradient_spot_t *watch;
gui_text_t *rate;
static gui_watchface_gradient_t *canvas;
gui_tabview_t *tablist_tab;
void tablist_watch(void *parent)
gui_watch_gradient_spot_t *watch = gui_watch_gradient_spot_create(parent, "watchface", 0, 0, 221,
gui_watch_gradient_spot_set_center(watch, 221, 269);
gui_img_t *rect = gui_img_create_from_mem(parent, "rect", RECT_221_269_BIN, 0, 0, 0, 0);
gui_img_set_mode(rect, IMG_SRC_OVER_MODE);
static void callback_touch_long(void *obj, gui_event_t e)
gui_log("win widget long touch enter cb\n");
gui_app_t *app = (gui_app_t *)get_app_hongkong();
gui_obj_t *screen = &(app->screen);
int idx = 0;
if (!GET_BASE(img)->not_show)
idx = 0;
if (!GET_BASE(watch)->not_show)
idx = 1;
if (!GET_BASE(canvas)->not_show)
idx = 2;
gui_win_t *win = gui_win_create(screen, "win", 0, 0, 320, 320);
extern void create_tree_nest(char *xml, void *obj);
gui_obj_add_event_cb(win, (gui_event_cb_t)callback_time, GUI_EVENT_TOUCH_CLICKED, NULL);
tablist_tab = gui_tabview_create(win, "tabview", 59, 84, 250, 300);
gui_tabview_set_style(tablist_tab, CLASSIC);
gui_tab_t *tb_watchface = gui_tab_create(tablist_tab, "tb_watchface", 0, 0, 250, 0, 2, 0);
gui_tab_t *tb_watch = gui_tab_create(tablist_tab, "tb_watch", 0, 0, 250, 0, 1, 0);
gui_tab_t *tb_clock = gui_tab_create(tablist_tab, "tb_clock", 0, 0, 250, 0, 0, 0);
gui_tabview_jump_tab(tablist_tab, idx, 0);
extern void tablist_clock(void *parent);
extern void tablist_watch(void *parent);
extern void tablist_watchface(void *parent);
void page_ct_clock(void *parent)
win_watch = gui_win_create(parent, "win", 0, 0, 368, 448);
gui_obj_add_event_cb(win_watch, (gui_event_cb_t)callback_touch_long, GUI_EVENT_TOUCH_LONG, NULL);
img = gui_img_create_from_mem(parent, "page0", CLOCKN_BIN, 0, 0, 0, 0);
gui_img_set_mode(img, IMG_SRC_OVER_MODE);
watch = gui_watch_gradient_spot_create(win_watch, "watchface", 0, 0, 0, 0);
gui_watch_gradient_spot_set_center(watch, 368 / 2, 448 / 2);
canvas = gui_watchface_gradient_create(parent, "watchface_gradient", (368 - 368) / 2,
(448 - 448) / 2, 368, 448);
GET_BASE(watch)->not_show = true;
GET_BASE(canvas)->not_show = true;

NVGcontext *nvgCreateAGGE(uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t stride, enum NVGtexture format, uint8_t *data)
void nvgDeleteAGGE(NVGcontext *ctx)
gui_watch_gradient_spot_t *gui_watch_gradient_spot_create(void *parent, const char *name, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h)
create a watch widget
Example usage
void example_watch(void *parent) { win_watch = gui_win_create(parent, "win", 0, 0, 368, 448); gui_watch_gradient_spot_t *watch = gui_watch_gradient_spot_create(win_watch, "watchface", 0, 0, 0, 0); }
- Parameters:
parent – parent widget
name – widget name
x – left
y – top
w – width
h – high
- Returns:
gui_watch_gradient_spot_t* widget pointer
void gui_watch_gradient_spot_set_center(gui_watch_gradient_spot_t *this, float c_x, float c_y)
set watch center
Example usage
void example_watch(void *parent) { win_watch = gui_win_create(parent, "win", 0, 0, 368, 448); gui_watch_gradient_spot_t *watch = gui_watch_gradient_spot_create(win_watch, "watchface", 0, 0, 0, 0); gui_watch_gradient_spot_t *watch = gui_watch_gradient_spot_set_center(watch, 368 / 2, 448 / 2); }
- Parameters:
this – gui_watch_gradient_spot_t widget
c_x – left
c_y – top
- Returns:
struct gui_watch_gradient_spot_t
- #include <gui_watch_gradient_spot.h>