Exported Functions
- group HB_Exported_Functions
bool hb_init(hb_data_cb pcb)
initialize heartbeat module
- 参数:
pcb – [in] heartbeat callback function
void hb_deinit(void)
deinitialize heartbeat module
void hb_timer_start(uint8_t timer)
start the heartbeat timer
- 参数:
timer – [in] HB_TIMER_PUB or HB_TIMER_SUB
- 返回:
void hb_timer_stop(uint8_t timer)
stop the heartbeat timer
- 参数:
timer – [in] HB_TIMER_PUB or HB_TIMER_SUB
- 返回:
bool hb_receive_filter(uint16_t src, uint16_t dst)
detect if the message need be processed
- 参数:
src – [in] message source addr
dst – [in] message destination addr
- 返回值:
true – need process
false – do not process
- 返回:
operation result
bool hb_handle_msg(mesh_msg_p pmesh_msg)
process the message
- 参数:
pmesh_msg – [in] mesh message
- 返回值:
true – processed
false – not processed
- 返回:
operation result
void hb_msg_send(hb_trigger_type_t type)
send hb message
- 参数:
type – [in] the trigger source type
- 返回:
void hb_handle_timeout(uint8_t timer)
timeout handler
- 参数:
timer – [in] publish or subscribe
- 返回:
void hb_publication_set(hb_pub_t pub)
set heartbeat publication parameter
- 参数:
pub – [in] heartbeat publication parameter
hb_pub_t hb_publication_get(void)
get heartbeat publication parameter
- 返回:
heartbeat publication parameter
void hb_subscription_set(hb_sub_t sub)
set heartbeat subscription parameter
- 参数:
sub – [in] heartbeat subscription parameter
hb_sub_t hb_subscription_get(void)
get heartbeat subscription parameter
- 返回:
heartbeat subscription parameter
uint8_t hb_log2_greater(uint16_t value)
log value
- 参数:
value – [in] value to log, 2exp(n-1) is greater than or equal to value
- 返回:
log value
uint8_t hb_log2_less(uint16_t value)
log value
- 参数:
value – [in] value to log, 2exp(n-1) is less than or equal to value
- 返回:
log value
uint16_t hb_exp2(uint8_t log_value)
exp value
- 参数:
log_value – [in] value to exp
- 返回:
exp value
bool hb_init(hb_data_cb pcb)