Model A Evaluation Board


  • The RTL87x2G model A evaluation board is compatible with the following daughter boards:

  • The RTL87x2G evaluation board model A provides a hardware environment for user development, including:

    • 5V to 3.3V & 1.8V power module

    • Support QSPI (Group1) display interface

    • Support Audio module (AMIC, DMIC) interface

    • Red LED and RGB LED module

    • FT232RL for USB to UART


If you require modules for the Model A evaluation board, please contact RTK FAE for assistance.

EVB Blocks Distribution

Distribution diagrams of blocks on the front and back of the model A evaluation board are as following:


EVB model A blocks distribution Diagram-Front (click to enlarge)


EVB model A blocks distribution Diagram-Back (click to enlarge)

The following introduces the main blocks on the evaluation board in counterclockwise order.

Introduction of the main blocks on the model A evaluation board



EVB Daughter Board Socket

Used to connect the EVB daughter board with an anti reverse insertion mechanism

Display Interface Type Selection

Model A evaluation board only supports QSPI (Group1) display interface

LPQDEC Interface

Used to connect the quadrature-encoded sensor

IC Power Voltage Selection

Provides IC power voltage options of 1.8V and 3.3V

IC Power Consumption Test Interface

Provides IC power consumption measurement points for 1.8V and 3.3V

UART/LOG Test Interface

Supports download mode and normal mode

Display Power Selection

Supports USB port CON1, CON2, or battery to power the display

Li-ion Battery Socket

Two pins socket to connect a single cell Li-ion battery


Used to power EVB and communicate with RTL87x2G via USB

Reset Key

Pressing this key resets the system

External Power Supply

Provides external power supply of 1.8V and 3.3V

MIC Socket

Supports 3.5mm audio interface

MIC Interface

Used to connect the external MIC daughter board

SWD Interface

Used to SWD debug

24bits ADC Interface

24bits ADC, AIN0-3 can be used as four single-ended inputs. AIN0-1 and AIN2-3 can be used as two differential inputs

Red LED and RGB LED module

Provides four red LEDs and one RGB LED

Independent Keys

KEY2, KEY3, KEY4, KEY5 are connected to P0_1, P0_2, P0_6 and P1_2 respectively


Used to power the EVB and connect USB to UART chip FT232 for burning programs or debugging logs

Display Socket

Used to connect display screen

EVB Interfaces Distribution


EVB model A interfaces distribution Diagram-Front (click to enlarge)


EVB model A interfaces distribution Diagram-Back (click to enlarge)

EVB Blocks and Interfaces Introduction

EVB Daughter Board

EVB daughter board can be removed and replaced. There is an anti-reverse insertion mechanism between mother board and daughter board. RTL8762GRU/GRH, RTL8762GKU/GKH and RTL8762GC daughter boards are compatible with the RTL87x2G evaluation board model A.


RTL8762GRU/GRH & RTL8762GKU/GKH daughter board


RTL8762GC daughter board



USB port CON1 is used to power the model A evaluation board and communicate with RTL87x2G via USB.


USB port CON2 is used to power the model A evaluation board and connect USB to UART chip FT232RL for burning programs or debugging logs.


USB Port CON1&2 of EVB model A

Li-ion Battery Socket

The model A evaluation board supports battery power supply. By connecting the jumper marked in red, the Li-ion battery can be charged by USB.


The model A evaluation board is powered by battery

IC Power Voltage Selection

VDD_VBAT/VDDIO/VDDIO_EXT can choose 1.8V or 3.3V power supply according to the actual application, with default connection of 3.3V. Power input pins are introduced as follows:

Introduction of Power Supply Input Pins on EVB model A

Pin Name



Power supply for USB transceiver


Power supply for the internal +14dBm radio power amplifier


Power supply for the internal 24bits ADC


Power supply for the internal regulator and analog circuitry


Power supply for PAD and Flash


Power supply for external devices


IC Power Voltage Selection of EVB model A


  1. VDDIO and VDDIO_EXT power supplies should be consistent.

  2. If the IC does not have a VDDIO power input pin, the VDD_VBAT powers supply for the internal regulator, analog circuitry, PAD, and Flash of the IC.

  3. When using the RTL8762GRU/GRH daughter board, VDD_VBAT can only choose 3.3V.

EVB Interfaces

UART/LOG Test Interface

Download Mode:

Need to set the dial switches SW1/SW2 to ON position, which will pull down the LOG pin, then press reset button or power on again to enter download mode.

Normal Mode:

Need to set the dial switches SW1/SW2 1 position, which will pull none the LOG pin, then press reset button or power on again to start running the program. Log pin can be used for debug. Please refer to normal mode connection.


UART/LOG test interface of EVB model A

Red LED and RGB LED module

Red LED and RGB LED module can be connected to the pin header within the red box through jumpers, allowing the default GPIO to control the LED and RGB. Alternatively, you can use Dupont wires to connect the pin header on the right side of the red box to any GPIO for controlling the LED and RGB.


Red LED and RGB LED module of EVB model A

EVB Pin Assignment

There is an anti-reverse insertion mechanism between mother board and daughter board. Please refer to the latest RTL87x2G IOPin Information table about the pin assignment of daughter board.

EVB User Guide

EVB Power Connection

The evaluation board can be powered independently using USB port CON2, in which case the USB communication function of RTL87x2G cannot be used, but programs can be normally burned into RTL87x2G. The power connection of the evaluation board is shown below. All jumpers marked in the red box need to be connected.


Power supply with USB port CON2 of EVB model A

If all functions of the daughterboard (including USB communication) needs to be used, both the USB ports CON1 and CON2 on the evaluation board need to be connected. In this situation, the power supply connection s as following: All jumpers marked in the red box need to be placed.


Power supply with USB port CON1&2 of EVB model A

Download Mode Connection

P0_3 (log) is the download mode selection pin. When P0_3 is pulled low, performing a hardware reset or power cycling will put the system into download mode. Use a jumper to connect P3_0 to RX and P3_1 to TX. Set the DIP switch to the ON position (pulling P0_3 low), and then power on the board or perform a hardware reset to enter download mode. After the program download is complete, set the dial switches SW1/SW2 back to the 1 position, allowing P0_3 to return to a floating state. Finally, press the hardware reset button or power cycle the board, and the program will run normally.


Download mode connection of EVB model A

Normal Mode Connection

Please confirm that the dial switches SW1/SW2 are set to the 1 position. Then place the jumper on the red box in the figure below. Connect P0_3 (log) to RX. P3_0 and P3_1 are disconnected from RX and TX respectively. On the computer side, use the Debug Analyzer software tool via the USB port CON2 to read the operating information of the sub-board chip.


Normal mode connection of EVB model A

Display Interface

Power select

It supports USB port CON1, CON2, or Li-ion battery to power the display.


Display power select of EVB model A

Interface type select

Display type interface can be selected by setting the status of LCD_IM[1:0] based on used screen. Please refer to the datasheet of display driver chip for details.

Pin assignment of the QSPI (Group1) interface on the Model A evaluation board

PIN Name

QSPI (Group1) Interface





























IC Power Consumption Measurement

The model A evaluation board provides power consumption measurement points for voltages of 1.8V and 3.3V.

  • When the IC is powered by 3.3V, disconnect J102 before measuring. Then connect the ammeter to measure the current passing through J102.

  • When the IC is powered by 1.8V, disconnect J103 before measuring. Then connect the ammeter to measure the current passing through J103.


IC Power Consumption Measurement Points


  1. Please properly connect the jumper caps according to the introduction of power supply input pins and the power consumption measurement scenarios.

  2. To avoid extra power consumption, it is necessary to turn off log printing.

  3. To avoid the effect of debugging equipment, please do not connect UART, SWD, and debugger.

  4. When using an external DC power supply, the jumpers of J102 and J103 need to be unplugged, then DC power needs to be connected to VDD_3V3_IC or VDD_1V8_IC.