Tool Set Overview

In addition to the intrinsic capabilities of our System on Chip (SOC), a comprehensive set of tools has been developed to facilitate extended feature development, user application creation, and large-scale production processes. This document offers a concise overview of these tools. For a detailed user manual on each tool, please proceed to website: RealMCU to get tools and consult the provided documentation.

Here is a summary of the tools described:

Brief Description of Tools

File Name


MP Tool

Used for R&D debugging or mass production

MP Pack Tool

Used to merge image files and generate data packet files for MP, OTA, CFU

Flashmap Generate Tool

Used to generate flashmap.ini, flashmap.h, OTAHeader files

RF Test Tool

Used for Bluetooth, Zigbee, and other RF performance testing and certification testing such as FCC, BQB, CE, SRRC, KC

Debug Analyzer Tool

Used for system log analysis and debugging

MD5 Tool

Generates MD5 values for image files to verify the integrity of the image

Prepend Header Tool

Generates MP headers for images, the MP toolchain will use the MP headers to obtain information and verificate images

CFU Download Tool

Used for firmware upgrades via USB


Used for OTA upgrades via IOS

Android OTA Tool

Used for OTA upgrades via Android

MP Tool

The MP Tool is a utility designed to support both mass production and debug modes.

  • Debug Mode: Offers developers a platform for debugging and feature development.

  • MP Mode: Provides an array of capabilities, including the ability to program up to 8 devices concurrently and modify the device's Bluetooth address.

The MP Tool is integrated with Pack and Flashmap Generate functionalities. For detailed instructions on utilizing these features, refer to the user guide located in each tool's directory.


MP Tool Interface

MP Pack Tool

The MP Pack Tool serves to amalgamate sub-images and generate a consolidated packet file for operations such as mass production (MP), over-the-air updates (OTA), or component firmware updates (CFU).


MP Pack Tool Interface

Flashmap Generate Tool

The Flash Map Generate Tool offers two essential functions:

  • Generation of flashmap.h and flashmap.ini files.

  • Creation of header required for OTA updates.


Flashmap Generate Tool Interface

RF Test Tool

The RF Test Tool offers a suite of capabilities:

  • Support RF performance testing of technologies such as Bluetooth and Zigbee.

  • Support certification testing for various regulatory standards including FCC/BQB/CE/SRRC/KC.


RF Test Tool Interface

Debug Analyzer Tool

The Debug Analyzer Tool enables engineers to capture and decode system logs across various transport layers, enhancing the debugging process. Key features of this tool include:

  • Support for multiple input methods:

  • Compatibility with both MCU and DSP logs.

  • Capabilities for log saving and parsing.

  • Generation of Bluetooth snoop logs for in-depth analysis with the Frontline capture tool.

  • Support for Ellisys injection.


Debug Analyzer Tool Interface

MD5 Tool

This tool generates an MD5 checksum for image files, ensuring integrity and authenticity, which is subsequently verified by the MP tool suite.

Prepend Header Tool

Used to generate the necessary MP header for image files, ensuring seamless verification by the MP tool suite.

CFU Download Tool

Used for upgrading the firmware of Realtek chips that comply with the CFU protocol.


Used for upgrading the firmware of Realtek chips via iOS.

Android OTA Tool

Used for upgrading the firmware of Realtek chips via Android.