Glucose Service

group GLS

Glucose Service.

The Glucose Service exposes glucose and other data related to a personal glucose sensor for consumer healthcare applications and is not designed for clinical use. Glucose Measurement, Glucose Measurement - Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor, Glucose Feature, Record Access Control Point, Record Access Control Point - Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor are mandatory exposed in the Glucose Service. Glucose Measurement Context is optional, and if the Glucose Measurement Context characteristic is supported, Glucose Measurement Context - Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor shall be mandatory.

The Glucose Measurement characteristic shall be used to send glucose measurements. The Glucose Measurement Context characteristic may be used to send additional contextual information relative to a Glucose Measurement characteristic. The Glucose Feature characteristic shall be used to describe the supported features of the Server. For this service to operate, profiles or other applications utilizing this service will need to ensure that the Client configures the Record Access Control Point (RACP) characteristic for indications. The Client must perform a write to the Record Access Control Point to execute a desired procedure at the Server.

Applications shall register Glucose Service during initialization through gls_add_service function.

Applications can set the Glucose Service parameters through gls_set_parameter function.

Applications can send the glucose measurements through gls_glc_measurement_notify function.