Running Speed and Cadence Service

group RSCS

Running Speed and Cadence Service.

The Running Speed and Cadence (RSC) Service exposes speed, cadence and other data related to fitness applications such as the stride length and the total distance the user has traveled while using the Running Speed and Cadence sensor (Server).

Application shall register Running Speed and Cadence service when initialization through rscs_add_service function.

The RSC Measurement characteristic is used to send speed and cadence measurements. Included in the characteristic value are a Flags field (for showing the presence of optional fields and, if supported by the Server, whether the user is walking or running), an Instantaneous Speed field, an Instantaneous Cadence field, depending upon the contents of the Flags field, an Instantaneous Stride Length field and a Total Distance field.

The Server measures the instantaneous speed at which the user is moving. The cadence represents the number of times per minute the foot with the sensor hits the ground. The stride length represents the distance between two successive contacts of the same foot to the ground and the total distance represents the distance the user has travelled with the sensor since the last reset of the total distance.

Application can set a running speed and cadence service parameter through rscs_set_parameter function.

Application can get a running speed and cadence service parameter through rscs_get_parameter function.

After set service parameter, running speed and cadence service can send notification data to client through rscs_meas_value_notify function.

Running speed and cadence service can indicate result of calibration to client through rscs_calib_resutl_indicate function.