Quick Start

This document aims to guide users in quickly configuring RTL87x2G(BEE4) development environment, including compiling SDK, downloading firmware, upgrading firmware, and capturing logs. Users can download the prebuilt files from the SDK to ensure the EVB is functioning properly and is compatible with the development environment while having the required functionalities.


The RTL87x2G SDK supports both Windows and Linux systems. Users can compile projects in the SDK using Keil/GCC, download files into the EVB using MPTool. After the downloading process is complete, users can use DebugAnalyzer to capture logs from the SoC. For details on the hardware wiring and corresponding PC software architecture, please refer to EVB Working Diagram.


EVB Working Diagram

Required EVB

The EVB provides users with a hardware environment for development and application debugging. It consists of a motherboard and a daughterboard. Additionally, users need to prepare two USB data cables to connect the EVB and the PC. Please refer to the EVB interface distribution diagram for peripheral interface wiring information. For more information, please refer to Evaluation Board Guide.


Hardware Environment

Reqired Files

The regular operation of the EVB requires downloading multiple files, including both basic files and application files.

  • Base Files: Including the necessary firmware and configuration settings for RTL87x2G.

  • Application Files: Including the specific code and functionality implementation for the target project.

The following files are required for the normal operation of the RTL87x2G. Among them, Bank0 APP Config File is an optional downloading file. For a description of the files, please refer to Compilation and Download section.

RTL87x2G Default Downloading Files


Provided by Realtek

File Type

File Download Option

System Config File

X (Generated by MPTool)

Base File

Bank0 Boot Patch Image

Base File

Bank1 Boot Patch Image

Base File

Bank0 OTA Header File

X (Generated by MPTool)

Base File

Bank0 System Patch Image

Base File

Bank0 BT Stack Patch Image

Base File

Bank0 BT Host Image

Base File

Bank0 APP Image

X (Generated by Project compilation)

Application File

Bank0 APP Config File

X (Generated by MPTool)

Base File



During the development based on RTL87x2G SDK, users need to utilize Realtek's Development Toolkit and ARM/GCC Development Suite.

Required Tools



Tool Version



ARM Link

uVision: V5.36

ARMCC: V6.17


GNU Toolchain

GNU Toolchain Link

13.2.Rel1(or later)



MinGW Link

V3.82.90(or later)






Windows/Linux/MAC OS





Windows/Linux/MAC OS





  • The installation packages under the path are all in .zip format, and users need to extract them manually.

  • The MPCLI Tool is the cross-platform version of the MPTool, and PACKCLI is the cross-platform version of the MPPackTool. If users are not developing on a Windows system, can use the cross-platform versions of these tools.


Users can compile all the applications projects in the SDK using the Keil Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK). For more information, please refer to Keil MDK section.

GNU Toolchain

Users can compile applications in the SDK using the GNU Toolchain. Before development, please install gcc-arm-none-eabi. For more information, please refer to GCC section.


Users can use MinGW to parse the Makefile .


Users can download files using MPTool/MPCLI Tool, with MPCLI Tool being the cross-platform version of MPTool. MPTool has two downloading modes: MP mode and Debug mode. MP mode is suitable for mass production. This document primarily focuses on the Debug mode, which is intended for users in the early stages of software development. For more information, please refer to RTL87x2x MP Tool User Guide.


Users can package files using MPPackTool, which is suitable for OTA (Over The Air) updates and production downloading. PACKCLI Tool is the cross-platform version of the MPPACKTool For more information, please refer to RTL87x2x Pack Tool User Guide.


Users can capture SoC Logs using DebugAnalyzer. For more information, please refer to Debug Analyzer User Guide .

Bring Up EVB

To ensure that the EVB can be used normally, users can perform a downloading test follow the steps below:

  1. Prepare an EVB and ensure the EVB interface is wired correctly. Set the EVB into Download Mode and then power on the EVB.

  2. Double-click to run MPTool.exe, for specific operation steps and file paths refer to MPTool Download.

    1. Click .. at the Load Layout to load the flash_map.ini file.

    2. Click Browse to load all the downloading files.

    3. Click Detect to identify the COM port of the EVB.

    4. Click Open to open the COM port.

    5. Check Erase All for Download, click Download to start the downloading process. The progress bar shows the current downloading progress.

    6. The progress bar shows OK when the files are successfully downloaded.

  3. After the files are downloaded completely, set the EVB into Normal Mode.

  4. Observe the behavior of the EVB, it can be verified through the Mobile App, or check whether the SoC Logs meet the expectations.


MPTool Downloading Interface


  • Please store the SDK, tools, and other related materials in a path that does not contain any spaces or chinese characters.

  • If Erase All for Download is checked, the flash memory will be completely erased before writing. If this option is not checked, only the area of files that are being downloaded will be erased from the flash.

Hardware Development Environment

The EVB provides a hardware environment for user development and application debugging. It consists of a motherboard and a daughterboard. The EVB has Download Mode and Normal Mode, and users need to use different wiring methods to set the required mode.

RTL87x2G EVB Interfaces and Modules


EVB Interface Distribution


EVB Modules Distribution

Power Supply

The USB ports of the CON1 and CON2 need to be connected to a computer to power the EVB.


EVB Power Supply

SWD Wiring

RTL87x2G-SWD Interface












SWD Wiring



UART Interface



Reset Key

Log Pin Wiring

On both the front and back side of the EVB, there is a DIP switch. Set both switches to the "1" position. Use a jumper cap to connect the RX and LOG pins. Once the connection is complete, check the Log output by referring to Log Verification.


Log Wiring

Download Mode

  1. Before powering on the EVB, users need to ground the Log Pin(P0_3) in either of the following ways:

    • Method 1:There are two dip switches on the front and back sides of the EVB. If either one switches to the "ON" position, it indicates that the Log Pin is grounded.


      Grounding Log Pin Method 1

    • Method 2:There are two dip switches on the front and back sides of the EVB. Both switches to the "1" position, users need to connect the Log Pin to the GND cable.


      Grounding Log Pin Method 2

  2. After entering the Download Mode, please refer to MPTool Download for instructions on how to download the program.


    • Using Method 1, after the program downloading is completed, the EVB enters Normal Mode by turning both DIP switch to "1" position.

    • Using Method 2, after the program downloading is completed, the EVB enters Normal Mode by disconnecting the wire between Log and GND.

    • Upon power-up, the chip reads the logic level signal from the Log Pin. If the level is low, it enters Download Mode bypassing Flash. Otherwise, it enters Normal Mode running the application layer program.

Normal Mode

To ensure normal operation of the EVB, make sure to set both sides of the DIP switches to the "1" position and disconnect the Log and GND connection.


Normal Mode

Compilation and Download

The following is RTL87x2G Default Downloading Files Instructions.

RTL87x2G Default Downloading Files instructions





System Config File

This file is used to configure various parameters and settings related to the device, such as the Bluetooth address, the number of links, and other relevant configurations.

For more information about parameter settings, please refer to RTL87x2x MP Tool User Guide.


Boot Patch Image

The Boot Patch Image includes the Bank0 Boot Patch Image and the Bank1 Boot Patch Image. The ROM code reserves the Patch function entry point, which can be used to optimize the Boot flow, modify the behavior of the secure ROM code, and expand the functionality of the ROM code.


Bank0 OTA Header File

It is a file that defines the layout of the Flash Bank.


Bank0 System Patch Image

The ROM code reserves the Patch function entry point, which allows modifications to the behavior of the non-secure ROM code and the expansion of ROM code functionality.


Bank0 BT Stack Patch Image

That supports features related to the BT Controller stack.


Bank0 BT Host Image

That implements the BLE Upper stack.


Bank0 APP Image

It is compiled from Keil/GCC project and processed using tools like fromelf.


Bank0 APP Config File

It records app configurations and other information, such as GAP Config settings.

For more information about parameter settings, please refer to RTL87x2x MP Tool User Guide.


The Boot Patch Image, System Patch Image, BT Host Image, BT Stack Patch Image are provided by Realtek. Users can download the above information through Anchor which is a release system from Realtek, if there is no Anchor account, please apply for registration from the agent/PM/FAE. Alternatively, users can also download these files directly from the RealMCU.

Generating Flash Map

Using MPTool, click on Flash Map Tool, and the interface will transition to FlashMapGenerateTool. Click on Confirm to generate flash_map.ini. During the synchronization, a flash_map.h file will also be generated.

If do not have any parameters to modify, users can skip this section and directly load the default downloading files from the SDK.




  • Before downloading the files, users need to load the flash_map.ini file, which represents the allocation of addresses for each file in the flash. Users can generate the flash_map.ini file by clicking on Flash Map Tool on the MPTool interface.

  • In the FlashMapGenerateTool interface, click on the dropdown option Flash Size to select the appropriate flash size according to the flash actually used in the device.

  • Users can modify the Flash Layout according to their specific requirements. Click Layout Init and adjust the sizes of each region. After confirming the changes, click Confirm. For more information, please refer to Memory.

  • Based on the different Flash layout arrangements, there are two types of OTA schemes: Disable Support OTA Switch and Enable Support OTA Switch. Users can click Disable or Enable to make a selection based on actual situation. The default selection is Disable. For more detailed information, please refer to the OTA document.




  • If the Flash Layout has been modified, please copy the newly generated flash_map.h file to the indicated path to generate the correct load address for Bank0 APP Image. For more detailed information, please refer to Memory.

  • The indicated path is the default SDK flash_map.h path, applicable to most sample projects. If the APP project uses flash_map.h in a different path, the corresponding file under that path needs to be updated.



Generating OTA header

Using MPTool, click Flash Map Tool, the interface will navigate to FlashMapGenerateTool, click Confirm to generate flash map.ini file. Synchronously, the OTA Header File will be generated.

If do not have any parameters to modify, users can skip this section and directly load the default downloading files from the SDK.


OTA Header File


If the Flash Layout has been modified, the OTA Header File will also be updated accordingly. Please ensure the consistency between flash map.ini file and the OTA Header File.

Generating System Config File

Using MPTool, click Config Set to open Config Setting interface, adjust the relevant parameters, and then click Confirm to generate the System Config File and load it into the corresponding area. For first-time developers, it is recommended to keep the default configuration in the Config Setting interface. For more parameter settings, please refer to RTL87x2x MP Tool User Guide.

If do not have any parameters to modify, users can skip this section and directly load the default downloading files from the SDK.


System Config File


If the Flash Layout has been modified, the System Config File needs to be regenerated.

Generating App Image

All applications in the SDK can be compiled and used through the Keil Microcontroller Development Kit (MDK)/ GCC. Before starting software development, it is necessary to first install the Keil or GCC compilation environment. To facilitate the quick establishment of a development project, users can copy or directly open an existing sample project and add functional code based on it.

Keil MDK

Keil MDK is the complete software development environment for a range of Arm Cortex-M based microcontroller devices. MDK includes the µVision IDE and debugger, Arm C/C++ compiler, and essential middleware components.

All applications in the SDK can be compiled and developed using the Keil Microcontroller Development Kit(MDK). Therefore, before starting software development, users need to obtain and install Keil. For more information about Keil, please visit www.keil.com.

The toolchain version information used by Realtek is shown as in the figure. To avoid compatibility issues between ROM executables and applications, it is recommended to use uVision V5.36 or a later version. Configure the default compiler to ARMClang V6.17.


Keil Version Information


Keil Compiler Version Configuration

Taking ble_peripheral project as an example. After successful compilation, a bin file with MD5 verification will be generated in the bin folder of the project along with a corresponding .trace file. The .trace file is used for parsing logs from the SoC.


Compile ble_peripheral Project


Project Compile Generate Files


MPTool uses MD5 as the checksum value for the downloading file and requires adding the MD5 value to the suffix of the file name to be downloaded. Therefore, the download file is an APP Image with the prefix "MP".


To compile a GCC project, it is necessary to properly configure the environment variables for the GNU Toolchain and MinGW Toolchain. Using the D drive as the installation root path, add the following paths to the environment variables.


Taking ble_peripheral as an example, run the cmd command in this directory and enter the command mingw32-make. After successful compilation, a bin file with MD5 verification will be generated in the bin folder of the project.


GCC Project Compilation


GCC APP Image Path

Images Download

MPTool Download

Set the EVB to Download Mode and use MPTool to download the files onto the device, the tool version must be at least V1.1.0.x.

  1. Double-click to run MPTool.exe.



  1. [IC Type]: RTL8762G_VB (Nickname: BEE4).


MPTool IC Type Selection

  1. [Type]: Debug.


MPTool Mode Selection

  1. Click on .. button in the Load Layout of the MPTool downloading interface to load the flash_map.ini file.

  2. Click Browse, loading all files. The following table lists the file types and loading paths.

    1. Bank0 APP Image: It is recommended to load APP Image from the default files.

    2. After powering on the device, it can be verified through the Mobile App to help test whether the firmware on the device is running correctly.

    RTL87x2G Downloading Files & Paths

    File Type

    File Name

    File Path

    System Config File


    BEE4-SDK-Vx.x.x\bin\rtl87x2g\default_bin\disable_bank_switch \trustzone_disable\common

    Bank0 Boot Patch Image


    BEE4-SDK-Vx.x.x\bin\rtl87x2g\default_bin\disable_bank_switch \trustzone_disable\common

    Bank1 Boot Patch Image


    BEE4-SDK-Vx.x.x\bin\rtl87x2g\default_bin\disable_bank_switch \trustzone_disable\common

    Bank0 OTA Header File


    BEE4-SDK-Vx.x.x\bin\rtl87x2g\default_bin\disable_bank_switch \trustzone_disable\common\bank0

    Bank0 System Patch Image


    BEE4-SDK-Vx.x.x\bin\rtl87x2g\default_bin\disable_bank_switch \trustzone_disable\common\bank0

    Bank0 BT Stack Patch Image


    BEE4-SDK-Vx.x.x\bin\rtl87x2g\default_bin\disable_bank_switch \trustzone_disable\common\bank0

    Bank0 BT Host Image


    BEE4-SDK-Vx.x.x\bin\rtl87x2g\default_bin\disable_bank_switch \trustzone_disable\common\bank0

    Bank0 APP Image


    BEE4-SDK-Vx.x.x\bin\rtl87x2g\default_bin\disable_bank_switch \trustzone_disable\common\bank0\ble_peripheral

    Bank0 APP Config File


    BEE4-SDK-Vx.x.x\bin\rtl87x2g\default_bin\disable_bank_switch \trustzone_disable\common\bank0

  3. Click Detect, the interface will display the detected COM port of the device.

  4. Click Open, if the COM port can be opened successfully, the progress bar on the right side will display OK, otherwise, it will display Fail.
    If Fail, user can refer to common errors and troubleshoot them one by one. After checking that everything is correct, user can repeat the steps, click on Detect ‣ Open again.

    Common errors are as follows

    • Check whether the Tx/Rx pins of the serial port are connected incorrectly.

    • Check that the Log Pin (P0_3) of the device is grounded before powering on.

    • Check whether the serial port converter board supports 1M baud rate.

    • Check whether the COM port is occupied.

  5. After the serial port is successfully opened, Click Download, the progress bar on the right of the COM port displays the current program download progress.

    1. After the download is completed, it will display OK.

    2. If Fail is displayed, please press the Reset button on the EVB or power cycle the EVB, and then repeat the above steps.


    • MPTool supports two downloading modes:

      • MP Mode:Used for production line manufacturing.

      • Debug Mode:Used by developers for debugging and development purposes.

    • MPTool can download single or multiple files. If user wants to download only a single file, such as the Bank0 APP Image, do not click Erase All for Download option in the MPTool interface.

Example Verification

Mobile App verification

Taking the ble_peripheral project as an example, ensure that the EVB interface wiring is correct and set the EVB into Download Mode. Load the default files from the SDK and complete the downloading process ,and then set the EVB into Normal Mode.

Users can use a Bluetooth APP on a smartphone to search for BLE advertisements, the default advertisement name is "BLE_PERIPHERAL". Click on Connect and once the smartphone is successfully connected to the device, it will display the Services of the remote device on the phone.


BLE Advertising


Connection Success

Log Verification

Users can use DebugAnalyzer to capture the SoC Log to check whether the program is running correctly. Please complete the Log connection correctly.



Double-click to run DebugAnalyzer.exe, click Setting, Baud rate is set to 2M by default, and load the corresponding .trace file in the App Trace File. Click Confirm to confirm the Settings.


DebugAnalyzer Parameter Setting

Select the correct Serial Port, click on Start, and DebugAnalyzer will start working. It will save the captured Raw Data in a .bin file, and based on the users' settings of the .trace file, it will parse the raw data into plain text logs and save them in a .log file.

Taking the ble_peripheral project as an example. After powering on the EVB board, if see a Log message of GAP adv start, it means that the device has started advertising. Clicking on Connect in the Bluetooth app interface on the phone, if the user see a Log message of GAP adv stoped:because connection created, it means that the phone has successfully connected to the device.


ADV Start


Connection Create


Log Data File


  • Default save path: the DataFile folder in the same directory as DebugAnalyzer.exe.

  • The .trace file is used to parse the binary Log stream received via the serial port. A new .trace file is generated each time the project is compiled. It is important to ensure that the .trace file matches the code currently running on the SoC.

  • If users encounter any issues during the development process, please provide the .log .bin .cfa files under the DataFile folder , as well as the corresponding .trace file. This will help Realtek analyze and locate the issue more effectively.