Command Line Interface

group CLI

Provide the functionalities of command line interface.

Command line interface provides a prompt where the user types a command, which is expressed as a sequence of characters - typically a command name followed by some parameters, and presses the Return key to execute that command.


typedef bool (*P_CLI_CALLBACK)(const char *cmd_str, char *p_buf, size_t buf_len)

Define the prototype of command line callback function.


Param cmd_str:

[in] The entire string (including params) as input by the user.

Param p_buf:

[in] The buffer into which the output from executing the command can be written.

Param buf_len:

[in] The length in bytes of the p_buf buffer.

Retval true:

The callback function should be invoked continuously.

Retval false:

The callback function was completed.


Return true if the callback function should be invoked continuously, or false if the callback function is completed.

typedef bool (*P_CLI_MATCH)(const char *cmd_str, const char *p_cmd, size_t cmd_len)

Define the prototype of command line pattern matching.


Param cmd_str:

[in] The entire string (including params) as input by the user.

Param p_cmd:

[in] The command pattern matching buffer.

Param cmd_len:

[in] The length in bytes of the p_cmd buffer.

Retval true:

The command pattern was matched.

Retval false:

The command pattern was failed to match.


The status of matching the command pattern.

typedef struct t_cli_cmd T_CLI_CMD

Define the structure of command line interface.



bool cli_cmd_register(T_CLI_CMD *const cli_cmd)

Register the command passed in using the cli_cmd parameter.


Registering a command adds the command to the list of commands that are handled by the command interpreter. Once a command has been registered it can be executed from the command line.


cli_cmd[in] The registered command T_CLI_CMD.

Return values:
  • true – The command was registered successfully.

  • false – The command was failed to register.


The status of registering the command.

const char *cli_param_get(const char *cmd_str, uint32_t param_idx, uint32_t *param_len)

Get the pointer to the param_idx’th word in the command string.


  • cmd_str[in] The start address of the command string.

  • param_idx[in] The parameter index in the command string.

  • param_len[out] The length of the parameter word.


A pointer to the param_idx’th word in the command string.

int32_t cli_param_num_get(const char *cmd_str)

Get the number of parameters that follow the command name.



cmd_str[in] The start address of the command string.


The number of parameters that follow the command name.

bool cli_help_set(const T_CLI_CMD *cmd_list, const char *cmd_str, char *buf, size_t buf_len)

Traverse and echo the help prompts of the specified command list.


  • cmd_list[in] The command of which the subcommand list will be traversed.

  • cmd_str[in] The entire string (including parameters) as input by the user.

  • buf[in] The buffer into which the output from executing the command can be written.

  • buf_len[in] The length in bytes of the buffer.

Return values:
  • true – The help prompts were traversed and echoed successfully.

  • false – The help prompts were failed to traverse and echo.


The status of traversing and echoing the help prompts of the specified command list.

struct t_cli_cmd

Define the structure of command line interface.


Public Members

const struct t_cli_cmd *p_next

The next command to be linked.

const struct t_cli_cmd *p_next_sub

The next subcommand to be linked.

const char *const p_cmd

The command that causes p_callback to be executed.

const char *const p_help

String that describes how to use the command.

const P_CLI_CALLBACK p_callback

The command callback that will generate output.

int32_t param_num

The command expects a fixed number of parameters.

const P_CLI_MATCH p_match

The command pattern matching function; NULL if using default match pattern.