GAP Privacy Exported Functions
- group Gap_Privacy_Exported_Functions
typedef T_APP_RESULT (*P_FUN_PRIVACY_CB)(uint8_t msg_type, T_LE_PRIVACY_CB_DATA msg_data)
Callback for gap to notify APP.
- Param msg_type:
[in] Callback msg type.
- Param msg_data:
[in] Message data T_LE_PRIVACY_CB_DATA.
- Retval result:
- Return:
T_GAP_CAUSE le_privacy_set_param(T_LE_PRIVACY_PARAM_TYPE param, uint8_t len, void *p_value)
Set a LE privacy parameter.
This function can be called with a LE Privacy Parameter type and it will set the LE Privacy Parameter. LE Privacy Parameters are defined in T_LE_PRIVACY_PARAM_TYPE.
- Parameters:
param – [in] LE Privacy parameter type: T_LE_PRIVACY_PARAM_TYPE.
len – [in] Length of data to write.
p_value – [in] Pointer to data to write.
- Return values:
GAP_CAUSE_SUCCESS – Operation success.
Others – Operation failure.
- Returns:
Operation result.
T_GAP_CAUSE le_privacy_get_param(T_LE_PRIVACY_PARAM_TYPE param, void *p_value)
Get an LE privacy parameter.
This function can be called with an LE Privacy Parameter type and it will get an LE Privacy Parameter. LE Privacy Parameters are defined in T_LE_PRIVACY_PARAM_TYPE.
- Parameters:
param – [in] GAP parameter type: T_LE_PRIVACY_PARAM_TYPE.
p_value – [inout] Pointer to location to get the parameter value. This is dependent on the parameter ID and will be cast to the appropriate data type (For example: if the data type of param is uint16_t, p_value will be cast to a pointer of uint16_t).
- Return values:
GAP_CAUSE_SUCCESS – Operation success.
Others – Operation failure.
- Returns:
Operation result.
void le_privacy_register_cb(P_FUN_PRIVACY_CB p_privacy_cb)
Register privacy callback to Bluetooth Host.
- Parameters:
p_privacy_cb – [in] Callback function provided by the APP to handle LE privacy messages sent from the Bluetooth Host.
NULL -> Not send GAP privacy messages to APP.
Other -> Use application-defined callback function.
- Returns:
T_GAP_CAUSE le_privacy_set_addr_resolution(bool enable)
Enable/disable LE privacy address resolution mode.
- Parameters:
enable – [in] Enable or disable address resolution.
- Return values:
GAP_CAUSE_SUCCESS – Operation success.
Others – Operation failure.
- Returns:
Operation result.
T_GAP_CAUSE le_privacy_read_peer_resolv_addr(T_GAP_IDENT_ADDR_TYPE peer_identity_address_type, uint8_t *peer_identity_address)
Read peer resolvable random address.
- Parameters:
peer_identity_address_type – [in] Peer identity address type.
peer_identity_address – [in] Peer identity address.
- Return values:
GAP_CAUSE_SUCCESS – Operation success.
Others – Operation failure.
- Returns:
Operation result.
T_GAP_CAUSE le_privacy_read_local_resolv_addr(T_GAP_IDENT_ADDR_TYPE peer_identity_address_type, uint8_t *peer_identity_address)
Read local resolvable random address.
- Parameters:
peer_identity_address_type – [in] Peer identity address type.
peer_identity_address – [in] Peer identity address.
- Return values:
GAP_CAUSE_SUCCESS – Operation success.
Others – Operation failure.
- Returns:
Operation result.
T_GAP_CAUSE le_privacy_set_resolv_priv_addr_timeout(void)
Set resolvable private address timeout.
- Return values:
GAP_CAUSE_SUCCESS – Operation success.
Others – Operation failure.
- Returns:
Operation result.
T_GAP_CAUSE le_privacy_modify_resolv_list(T_GAP_RESOLV_LIST_OP operation, T_GAP_IDENT_ADDR_TYPE peer_identity_address_type, uint8_t *peer_identity_address)
Modify local resolvable device list.
This function can be called to add, remove, or clear the resolvable list.
- Parameters:
operation – [in] type, T_GAP_RESOLV_LIST_OP.
peer_identity_address_type – [in] Peer identity address type.
peer_identity_address – [in] Peer identity address.
- Return values:
GAP_CAUSE_SUCCESS – Operation success.
Others – Operation failure.
- Returns:
Operation result.
T_GAP_CAUSE le_privacy_add_resolv_list(T_GAP_IDENT_ADDR_TYPE peer_identity_address_type, uint8_t *peer_identity_address, uint8_t *peer_irk, bool use_local_irk)
Add device to local resolving list.
- Parameters:
peer_identity_address_type – [in] Peer identity address type.
peer_identity_address – [in] Peer identity address.
peer_irk – [in]
Pointer to peer IRK (16 octets).
NULL: no peer IRK, use all-zero IRK.
use_local_irk – [in] Indicates whether local IRK has been distributed to the peer device. False: local IRK has not been distributed to the peer device True: local IRK has been distributed to the peer device.
- Return values:
GAP_CAUSE_SUCCESS – Operation success.
Others – Operation failure.
- Returns:
Operation result.
T_GAP_CAUSE le_privacy_set_mode(T_GAP_IDENT_ADDR_TYPE peer_identity_address_type, uint8_t *peer_identity_address, T_GAP_PRIVACY_MODE privacy_mode)
Set privacy mode.
- Parameters:
peer_identity_address_type – [in] Peer identity address type.
peer_identity_address – [in] Peer identity address.
privacy_mode – [in] Privacy mode T_GAP_PRIVACY_MODE.
- Return values:
GAP_CAUSE_SUCCESS – Operation success.
GAP_CAUSE_SEND_REQ_FAILED – Operation failure.
- Returns:
Operation result.
T_GAP_IDENT_ADDR_TYPE le_privacy_convert_addr_type(T_GAP_REMOTE_ADDR_TYPE type)
Convert remote Bluetooth device address type to identity address type.
- Parameters:
type – [in] Bluetooth device address type T_GAP_REMOTE_ADDR_TYPE.
- Return values:
GAP_IDENT_ADDR_PUBLIC – Public identity address.
GAP_IDENT_ADDR_RAND – Random identity address.
- Returns:
Identity address type T_GAP_IDENT_ADDR_TYPE.
typedef T_APP_RESULT (*P_FUN_PRIVACY_CB)(uint8_t msg_type, T_LE_PRIVACY_CB_DATA msg_data)