GAP Observer Exported Functions

group Observer_Exported_Functions


T_GAP_CAUSE le_scan_set_param(T_LE_SCAN_PARAM_TYPE param, uint8_t len, void *p_value)

Set a scan parameter.

This function can be called with a scan parameter type and it will set the scan parameter. Scan parameters are defined in T_LE_SCAN_PARAM_TYPE. If the “len” field is set to the size of a “uint16_t”, the “p_value” field must point to data with type “uint16”.

Example usage

void app_le_gap_init()
    uint8_t device_name[GAP_DEVICE_NAME_LEN] = "BBPro_central";
    uint16_t appearance = GAP_GATT_APPEARANCE_UNKNOWN;

    uint8_t scan_mode = GAP_SCAN_MODE_ACTIVE;
    uint16_t scan_interval = DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL;
    uint16_t scan_window = DEFAULT_SCAN_WINDOW;
    uint8_t scan_filter_policy = GAP_SCAN_FILTER_ANY;
    uint8_t scan_filter_duplicate = GAP_SCAN_FILTER_DUPLICATE_ENABLE;

    uint8_t pair_mode = GAP_PAIRING_MODE_PAIRABLE;
    uint16_t auth_flags = GAP_AUTHEN_BIT_BONDING_FLAG;
    uint8_t io_cap = GAP_IO_CAP_NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT;
    uint8_t oob_enable = false;
    uint32_t passkey = 0;
    uint8_t fix_passkey_enable = false;

    le_set_gap_param(GAP_PARAM_DEVICE_NAME, GAP_DEVICE_NAME_LEN, device_name);
    le_set_gap_param(GAP_PARAM_APPEARANCE, sizeof(appearance), &appearance);
    gap_set_param(GAP_PARAM_BOND_PAIRING_MODE, sizeof(uint8_t), &pair_mode);
    gap_set_param(GAP_PARAM_BOND_AUTHEN_REQUIREMENTS_FLAGS, sizeof(uint16_t), &auth_flags);
    gap_set_param(GAP_PARAM_BOND_IO_CAPABILITIES, sizeof(uint8_t), &io_cap);
    gap_set_param(GAP_PARAM_BOND_OOB_ENABLED, sizeof(uint8_t), &oob_enable);

    le_scan_set_param(GAP_PARAM_SCAN_MODE, sizeof(scan_mode), &scan_mode);
    le_scan_set_param(GAP_PARAM_SCAN_INTERVAL, sizeof(scan_interval), &scan_interval);
    le_scan_set_param(GAP_PARAM_SCAN_WINDOW, sizeof(scan_window), &scan_window);
    le_scan_set_param(GAP_PARAM_SCAN_FILTER_POLICY, sizeof(scan_filter_policy),
    le_scan_set_param(GAP_PARAM_SCAN_FILTER_DUPLICATES, sizeof(scan_filter_duplicate),

    le_bond_set_param(GAP_PARAM_BOND_FIXED_PASSKEY, sizeof(uint32_t), &passkey);
    le_bond_set_param(GAP_PARAM_BOND_FIXED_PASSKEY_ENABLE, sizeof(uint8_t), &fix_passkey_enable);

  • param[in] Scan parameter type: T_LE_SCAN_PARAM_TYPE.

  • len[in] Length of data to write.

  • p_value[in] Pointer to data to write. This is dependent on the parameter type and will be cast to the appropriate data type (For example: if data type param is uint16, p_value will be cast to pointer of uint16_t).

Return values:
  • GAP_CAUSE_SUCCESS – Set parameter success.

  • other – Set parameter failed.


Set result.

T_GAP_CAUSE le_scan_get_param(T_LE_SCAN_PARAM_TYPE param, void *p_value)

Get a scan parameter.

This function can be called with a scan parameter type and it will get a scan parameter. Scan parameters are defined in T_LE_SCAN_PARAM_TYPE. Also, the “p_value” field must point to a data with type of “uint16_t”.

Example usage

void test(void)
    uint16_t scan_interval;
    le_scan_get_param(GAP_PARAM_SCAN_INTERVAL, &scan_interval);

  • param[in] Scan parameter type: T_LE_SCAN_PARAM_TYPE.

  • p_value[inout] Pointer to location to get the parameter value. This is dependent on the parameter type and will be cast to the appropriate data type (For example: if data type of param is uint16_t, p_value will be cast to pointer of uint16_t).

Return values:
  • GAP_CAUSE_SUCCESS – Get parameter success.

  • Others – Get parameter failed.


Get result.

T_GAP_CAUSE le_scan_start(void)

Start a device discovery scan. If device changes to scanning state, app_handle_dev_state_evt will be called. And the advertising data or scan response data will be returned by app_gap_callback with cb_type GAP_MSG_LE_SCAN_INFO.

Applications can only call this API after Bluetooth Host is ready.

Explanation: If Bluetooth Host is ready, the application will be notified by message

GAP_MSG_LE_DEV_STATE_CHANGE with new_state about gap_init_state which is configured as GAP_INIT_STATE_STACK_READY.

Example usage

void test(void)

void app_handle_dev_state_evt(T_GAP_DEV_STATE new_state, uint16_t cause)
    APP_PRINT_INFO5("app_handle_dev_state_evt: init state %d scan state %d adv state %d conn state %d cause 0x%x",
                   new_state.gap_scan_state, new_state.gap_adv_state, new_state.gap_conn_state, cause);

    if (gap_dev_state.gap_scan_state != new_state.gap_scan_state)
        if (new_state.gap_scan_state == GAP_SCAN_STATE_IDLE)
            APP_PRINT_INFO0("GAP scan stop");
            data_uart_print("GAP scan stop\r\n");
        else if (new_state.gap_scan_state == GAP_SCAN_STATE_SCANNING)
            APP_PRINT_INFO0("GAP scan start");
            data_uart_print("GAP scan start\r\n");
//Received advertising or scan rsp data will be handled in app_gap_callback
T_APP_RESULT app_gap_callback(uint8_t cb_type, void *p_cb_data)
    T_LE_CB_DATA cb_data;
    memcpy(&cb_data, p_cb_data, sizeof(T_LE_CB_DATA));
    APP_PRINT_TRACE1("app_gap_callback: cb_type %d", cb_type);
    switch (cb_type)
        APP_PRINT_INFO5("GAP_MSG_LE_SCAN_INFO:adv_type 0x%x, bd_addr %s, remote_addr_type %d, rssi %d, data_len %d",

Return values:
  • GAP_CAUSE_SUCCESS – Operation success, scan started.

  • GAP_CAUSE_ALREADY_IN_REQ – Operation failure, scan state is GAP_SCAN_STATE_START.

  • GAP_CAUSE_INVALID_STATE – Operation failure, invalid device state.


Operation result.

T_GAP_CAUSE le_scan_stop(void)

Cancel a device discovery scan.

Applications can only call this API after Bluetooth Host is ready.

Explanation: If Bluetooth Host is ready, the application will be notified by message

GAP_MSG_LE_DEV_STATE_CHANGE with new_state about gap_init_state which is configured as GAP_INIT_STATE_STACK_READY.

Example usage

void test(void)
void app_handle_dev_state_evt(T_GAP_DEV_STATE new_state, uint16_t cause)
    APP_PRINT_INFO5("app_handle_dev_state_evt: init state %d scan state %d adv state %d conn state %d cause 0x%x",
                   new_state.gap_scan_state, new_state.gap_adv_state, new_state.gap_conn_state, cause);

    if (gap_dev_state.gap_scan_state != new_state.gap_scan_state)
        if (new_state.gap_scan_state == GAP_SCAN_STATE_IDLE)
            APP_PRINT_INFO0("GAP scan stop");
            data_uart_print("GAP scan stop\r\n");
        else if (new_state.gap_scan_state == GAP_SCAN_STATE_SCANNING)
            APP_PRINT_INFO0("GAP scan start");
            data_uart_print("GAP scan start\r\n");

Return values:
  • GAP_CAUSE_SUCCESS – Operation success, Cancel started.

  • GAP_CAUSE_INVALID_STATE – Operation Failure. Invalid state, not in scan mode.


Operation result.

bool le_scan_info_filter(bool enable, uint8_t offset, uint8_t len, uint8_t *p_filter)

Set scan information filter.

This function can be called before gap_start_bt_stack is invoked.

Example usage

static T_USER_CMD_PARSE_RESULT cmd_scanf(T_USER_CMD_PARSED_VALUE *p_parse_value)
    uint8_t type = p_parse_value->dw_param[0];
    uint8_t offset = 0;
    uint8_t len = 0;
    uint8_t filter_data[31];
    if(type == 0)
        le_scan_info_filter(false, offset, len, filter_data);
        offset = 5;
        len = 2;
        filter_data[0] = LO_WORD(GATT_UUID_SIMPLE_PROFILE);
        filter_data[1] = HI_WORD(GATT_UUID_SIMPLE_PROFILE);
        le_scan_info_filter(true, offset, len, filter_data);
    return RESULT_SUCESS;

  • enable[in] Whether to open the scan info comparison function.

  • offset[in] The start offset of the scan info to compare.

  • len[in] Length of data to compare.

  • p_filter[in] Point the data to compare with the scan info.

Return values:
  • TRUE – Operation success.

  • FALSE – Operation Failure.


Operation result.