Bluetooth SDP Profile

group BT_SDP

Provide BT SDP profile interfaces.


bool bt_sdp_discov_start(uint8_t bd_addr[6], T_BT_SDP_UUID_TYPE uuid_type, T_BT_SDP_UUID_DATA uuid_data)

Start SDP discovery.

  • bd_addr[in] Bluetooth address of remote device.

  • uuid_type[in] Type of UUID to discovery.

    • BT_SDP_UUID16 UUID in 16 bits.

    • BT_SDP_UUID32 UUID in 32 bits.

    • BT_SDP_UUID128 UUID in 128 bits.

  • uuid_data[in] Discovery SDP UUID data corresponding to uuid_type.

Return values:
  • true – SDP discovery was started successfully.

  • false – SDP discovery was failed to start.


The status of starting SDP discovery.

bool bt_sdp_discov_stop(uint8_t bd_addr[6])

Stop SDP discovery.


bd_addr[in] Bluetooth address of remote device.

Return values:
  • true – SDP discovery was stopped successfully.

  • false – SDP discovery was failed to stop.


The status of stopping SDP discovery.

bool bt_did_discov_start(uint8_t bd_addr[6])

Start DID discovery.


bd_addr[in] Bluetooth address of remote device.

Return values:
  • true – DID discovery was started successfully.

  • false – DID discovery was failed to start.


The status of starting DID discovery.

bool bt_sdp_record_add(void *p_buf)

Add an SDP record to BT stack.


p_buf[in] Address of SDP record buffer.

Return values:
  • true – SDP record was added successfully.

  • false – SDP record was failed to add.


The status of adding an SDP record.

bool bt_sdp_record_delete(void *p_buf)

Delete an SDP record from BT stack.


p_buf[in] Address of SDP record buffer.

Return values:
  • true – SDP record was deleted successfully.

  • false – SDP record was failed to delete.


The status of deleting an SDP record.

uint8_t *bt_sdp_attr_find(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len, uint32_t attr_value)

Find an attribute of the given value in an SDP record data.

  • buf[in] Buffer address of the SDP record data.

  • len[in] Length of the SDP record data.

  • attr_value[in] Attribute value to search for.


The address of the attribute.

uint32_t bt_sdp_value_get(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len)

Get an attribute value in an SDP element.

  • buf[in] Buffer address of the SDP element.

  • len[in] Length of the SDP element.


The value of the attribute.

bool bt_sdp_uuid_value_get(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len, T_BT_SDP_UUID_TYPE *p_type, T_BT_SDP_UUID_DATA *p_data)

Get an UUID data value in an SDP element.

  • buf[in] Buffer address of the SDP element.

  • len[in] Length of the SDP element.

  • p_type[out] The address to put in UUID data format.

  • p_data[out] The address to put in UUID data value.


The result of getting UUID value.

uint8_t *bt_sdp_elem_access(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len, uint16_t index)

Get the address of SDP data element in an SDP element.

  • buf[in] Buffer address of the SDP element.

  • len[in] Length of the SDP element.

  • index[in] Data element index number.


The address of found SDP data element.

uint8_t *bt_sdp_elem_decode(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t length, uint32_t *p_len, uint8_t *p_type)

Decode SDP data element in an SDP element.

  • buf[in] Buffer address of the SDP element.

  • length[in] Length of the SDP element.

  • p_len[out] The address to put in UUID data length.

  • p_type[out] The address to put in UUID data format.


The address of SDP data element.