Bluetooth SPP Profile
- group BT_SPP
Provide BT SPP profile interfaces.
typedef enum t_bt_spp_uuid_type T_BT_SPP_UUID_TYPE
typedef union t_bt_spp_uuid_data T_BT_SPP_UUID_DATA
bool bt_spp_init(void)
Initialize SPP profile.
- Return values:
true – SPP profile was initialized successfully.
false – SPP profile was failed to initialize.
- Returns:
The status of initializing SPP profile.
bool bt_spp_service_register(uint8_t service_uuid[16], uint8_t server_chann)
Register SPP service.
This function shall be used after bt_spp_int() called.
- Parameters:
service_uuid – [in] SPP service UUID.
server_chann – [in] Local server channel.
- Return values:
true – SPP service was registered successfully.
false – SPP service was failed to register.
- Returns:
The status of registering SPP service.
bool bt_spp_registered_uuid_check(T_BT_SPP_UUID_TYPE type, T_BT_SPP_UUID_DATA *data, uint8_t *local_server_chann)
Check the UUID is registered and bond local server channel with the checked UUID.
- Parameters:
type – [in] UUID type T_GAP_UUID_TYPE.
data – [in] UUID data T_GAP_UUID_DATA.
local_server_chann – [in] Local server channel.
- Return values:
true – The UUID was registered and the local server channel was bonded.
false – The UUID was not registered and the local server channel was not bonded.
- Returns:
The status of checking UUID.
bool bt_spp_ertm_mode_set(bool enable)
Set SPP ERTM mode.
- Parameters:
enable – [in] Enable or disable ERTM mode.
true Enable ERTM mode.
false Disable ERTM mode.
- Return values:
true – ERTM mode was set successfully.
false – ERTM mode was failed to set.
- Returns:
The status of setting ERTM mode.
bool bt_spp_connect_req(uint8_t bd_addr[6], uint8_t remote_server_chann, uint16_t frame_size, uint8_t credits, uint8_t local_server_chann)
Send an SPP connection request.
- Parameters:
bd_addr – [in] Remote BT address.
remote_server_chann – [in] Remote server channel.
frame_size – [in] The maximum frame_size supported by local device.
credits – [in] The number of packet that remote can be send. This parameter is used for flow control. A sending entity may send as many frames on a SPP connection as it has credits; if the credit count reaches zero, the sender will stop and wait for further credits from peer.
local_server_chann – [in] Local server channel.
- Return values:
true – SPP connection request was sent successfully.
false – SPP connection request was failed to send.
- Returns:
The status of sending the SPP connection request.
bool bt_spp_connect_cfm(uint8_t bd_addr[6], uint8_t local_server_chann, bool accept, uint16_t frame_size, uint8_t credits)
Send an SPP connection confirmation.
- Parameters:
bd_addr – [in] Remote BT address.
local_server_chann – [in] Local server channel.
accept – [in] Confirmation message.
true Accept the received SPP connection request.
false Reject the received SPP connection request.
frame_size – [in] The maximum frame_size supported by local device.
credits – [in] The number of packet that remote can be send. This parameter is used for flow control. A sending entity may send as many frames on a SPP connection as it has credits; if the credit count reaches zero, the sender will stop and wait for further credits from peer.
- Return values:
true – SPP connection confirmation was sent successfully.
false – SPP connection confirmation was failed to send.
- Returns:
The status of sending the SPP connection confirmation.
bool bt_spp_disconnect_req(uint8_t bd_addr[6], uint8_t local_server_chann)
Send an SPP disconnection request.
- Parameters:
bd_addr – [in] Remote BT address.
local_server_chann – [in] Local server channel.
- Return values:
true – SPP disconnection request was sent successfully.
false – SPP disconnection request was failed to send.
- Returns:
The status of sending the SPP disconnection request.
bool bt_spp_disconnect_all_req(uint8_t bd_addr[6])
Send a request to disconnect all SPP connection.
- Parameters:
bd_addr – [in] Remote BT address.
- Return values:
true – All SPP disconnection request was sent successfully.
false – All SPP disconnection request was failed to send.
- Returns:
The status of sending all SPP disconnection request.
bool bt_spp_data_send(uint8_t bd_addr[6], uint8_t local_server_chann, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len, bool ack)
Send SPP data to remote device.
- Parameters:
bd_addr – [in] Remote BT address.
local_server_chann – [in] Local server channel.
data – [in] The start address of the data buffer.
len – [in] The length of the data.
ack – [in] Enable/disable ACK after data sent.
true Enable ACK after data sent.
false Disable ACK after data sent.
- Return values:
true – Data was sent successfully.
false – Data was failed to send.
- Returns:
The status of sending data.
bool bt_spp_credits_give(uint8_t bd_addr[6], uint8_t local_server_chann, uint8_t credits)
Give SPP credits to remote device.
- Parameters:
bd_addr – [in] Remote BT address.
local_server_chann – [in] Local server channel.
credits – [in] Credits value.
- Return values:
true – Credits was sent successfully.
false – Credits was failed to send.
- Returns:
The status of sending credits.
union t_bt_spp_uuid_data
typedef enum t_bt_spp_uuid_type T_BT_SPP_UUID_TYPE