The purpose of this document is to give an overview of the Personal Area Networking Profile. PAN profile describes how two or more Bluetooth enabled devices can form an ad-hoc network and how the same mechanism can be used to access a remote network through a network access point.

Terminology and Concepts

PAN Role

  • Network Access Points - A NAP is a unit that contains one or more Bluetooth radio devices and acts as a bridge, proxy, or router between a Bluetooth network and some other network technology.

  • Group Ad-hoc Networks - A Bluetooth device that supports the GN service is able to forward ethernet packets to each of the connected Bluetooth devices, the PAN users, as needed.

  • PAN Users - PANU is the Bluetooth device that uses either the NAP or the GN service. PANU supports the client role for both the NAP and GN roles, and direct PANU to PANU communication.

PAN Scenarios

For the PAN profile, three general scenarios are discussed:

  • Network Access Points

  • Group Ad-hoc Networks



A PANU connects to a NAP in order to gain access to an advertised network service.


A PANU connects to a GN to create an ad-hoc network with other Bluetooth devices.


In this scenario, a point to point connection between two PANUs allows direct communication between these two nodes only.

PAN Profile Stack

The figures below show the protocols and entities used in each of the three roles defined by the PAN profile.

Feature Set

The functions provided by PAN APIs are as below:

  1. Connecting and Disconnecting: Including functions to connect/disconnect PAN.

  2. Setting Filters: Including functions to set filters to control which Network Protocol types shall be filtered and not transmitted.

  3. Sending and Receiving Data: Including functions to send ethernet data.

Provided APIs

This figure shows the relationship between applications, PAN, and Bluetooth Protocol Stack. Above the horizon line is developed by the applications. Below the horizon line is developed by Realtek.

The table below shows a simple description of PAN APIs. PAN related APIs are provided in the sdk\inc\framework\bt\bt_pan.h.

Header file


API Reference


Connect PAN, send ethernet data etc.

Bluetooth PAN Profile


PAN Init

void app_pan_init(void)
    bt_sdp_record_add((void *)panu_sdp_record);

PAN Service Discovery

Service discover procedure is shown below:

PAN Connect

static void app_pan_bt_cback(T_BT_PAN_EVENT event_type, void *event_buf, uint16_t buf_len)
    T_BT_PAN_EVENT_PARAM *param = event_buf;
    T_APP_BR_LINK *p_link;
    bool handle = true;

    switch (event_type)
            p_link = app_find_br_link(param->pan_conn_ind.bd_addr);
            if (p_link != NULL)
                bt_pan_connect_cfm(p_link->bd_addr, true);

PAN Set Filter

PAN Send Ethernet Packet

Sample Projects

SDK provides a corresponding demo application for developers’ reference in development.The BR/EDR PAN gives a simple example on how to use PAN.