

  • 第一个APP是一个列表, 第二个APP是一个蜂窝网格.

  • 点击第一个APP上的菜单按钮会切换到第二个APP.

  • 在切换时,第一个APP会逐渐变透明直至消失, 第二个APP会逐渐增大直至充满屏幕.


  • 在动画回调函数中,实现了切换过渡动效(缩放和淡入淡出)。

  • 当动画结束时, 关闭这个第一个APP。

void app_watch_mune_win_ani_cb(void *args, gui_win_t *win)
    // Calculate the progress percentage of the animation
    float pro = gui_win_get_aniamtion_progress_percent(win);

    // Adjust the scale of the window based on sine function of the progress percentage
    // This will create a smooth scaling effect as the progress advances
    gui_win_set_scale_rate(win, 1 + sinf(pro * M_PI / 2), 1 + sinf(pro * M_PI / 2));
    // Ensure the scope property is set to 1 (used to indicate visibility)
    gui_win_set_scope(win, 1);
    // Set the opacity of the window's base GUI element, gradually decreasing as the animation progresses
    // This creates a fading effect by setting opacity inversely proportional to the progress percentage
    gui_win_set_opacity(win, (1.0f - pro) * UINT8_MAX);
    // Check if the animation has reached its last frame
    if (gui_win_is_animation_end_frame(win))
        // Shutdown the GUI application

#define MENU_WIN_NAME "menu win name"
void design_tab_menu(void *parent)
    gui_win_t *win = gui_win_create(parent, MENU_WIN_NAME, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    gui_win_set_animate(win, 2000, 0, app_watch_mune_win_ani_cb, 0);
    gui_win_stop_animation(win);//aniamtion start to play until button click event
  • 第二个APP的动画在APP启动时就开始播放。

#include "gui_menu_cellular.h"
#include "math.h"
static void menu_win_ani_cb(void *args, gui_win_t *win)
    float pro = gui_win_get_aniamtion_progress_percent(win);
    gui_win_set_scale_rate(win, sinf(pro * (M_PI / 2 - 0.2f) + 0.2f),
                           sinf(pro * (M_PI / 2 - 0.2f) + 0.2f));
    gui_win_set_opacity(win, (pro) * UINT8_MAX);
    if (gui_win_is_animation_end_frame(win))
        gui_win_set_scale_rate(win, 0, 0);//reset scale
#define APP_WATCH_WIN_NAME "menu win name"
static void menu_win_ani_cb_return(void *args, gui_win_t *win)
    float pro = gui_win_get_aniamtion_progress_percent(win);
    gui_win_set_opacity(win, (1.0f - pro) * UINT8_MAX);
    gui_win_set_scale_rate(win, cosf(pro * M_PI / 2), cosf(pro * M_PI / 2));
    if (gui_win_is_animation_end_frame(win))
static void app_wathc_win_ani_cb_return(void *args, gui_win_t *win)
    float pro = gui_win_get_aniamtion_progress_percent(win);
    gui_win_set_opacity(win, (pro) * UINT8_MAX);
    gui_win_set_scale_rate(win, 1 + cosf(pro * M_PI / 2), 1 + cosf(pro * M_PI / 2));
    if (gui_win_is_animation_end_frame(win))
        /*Overwrite app watch's aniamtion as the shut down animation*/
        extern void app_watch_mune_win_ani_cb(void *args, gui_win_t *win);
        gui_win_set_animate(win, APP_SWAP_ANIMATION_DUR, 0, app_watch_mune_win_ani_cb,
static void app_menu_win_cb(gui_obj_t *this)//this widget, event code, parameter
    gui_tabview_t *tabview = 0;
    gui_obj_tree_get_widget_by_name(&(get_app_watch_ui()->screen), "tabview", (void *)&tabview);
    if (tabview)
        gui_tabview_jump_tab(tabview, -1, 0);
        gui_win_t *win = 0;
        gui_obj_tree_get_widget_by_name(&(get_app_watch_ui()->screen), APP_WATCH_WIN_NAME, (void *)&win);
        if (win)
            /*Overwrite app watch's aniamtion as the start animation*/
            gui_win_set_animate(win, APP_SWAP_ANIMATION_DUR, 0, app_wathc_win_ani_cb_return,
    gui_win_t *win = 0;
    gui_obj_tree_get_widget_by_name(&(GUI_APP_HANDLE(APP_MENU)->screen), APP_MENU_WIN_NAME,
                                    (void *)&win);
    if (win)
        gui_win_set_animate(win, APP_SWAP_ANIMATION_DUR, 0, menu_win_ani_cb_return,

static void app_menu_cb(void *obj, gui_event_t e, void *param)
    gui_log("%d,%x\n", GUI_TYPE(gui_obj_t, obj)->type, param);
/*Define APP_MENU's entry func */
static void app_menu(gui_app_t *app)
     * @link https://docs.realmcu.com/Honeygui/latest/widgets/gui_menu_cellular.html#example
    gui_win_t *win = gui_win_create(GUI_APP_ROOT_SCREEN, APP_MENU_WIN_NAME, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    gui_win_set_animate(win, APP_SWAP_ANIMATION_DUR, 0, menu_win_ani_cb,
                        0);//aniamtion start to play at app startup
  • 第一个APP的动画在点击事件中开始播放。

  • 在点击事件中,同时启动了第二个APP。

static void menu_cb(gui_obj_t *obj)
    // Retrieve the window object with the name specified by MENU_WIN_NAME from the root of the GUI tree
    gui_win_t *win = 0;
    gui_obj_tree_get_widget_by_name(gui_get_root(obj), MENU_WIN_NAME, (void *)&win);

    // If the window object is found, enable its animation by setting the animate flag to 1
    if (win)
        win->animate->animate = 1;
    GUI_APP_STARTUP(APP_MENU);  // Start up the menu application(NEXT APP)

    // Bring the next application layer to the top, ensuring it's displayed above the first app layer