



开发者可以使用 gui_img_create_from_mem(void *parent, const char *name, void *addr, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h)从内存中创建一个图像控件,或者使用 gui_img_create_from_fs(void *parent, const char *file, int16_t x, int16_t y)从文件系统中创建一个图像控件。同样,也可以使用 gui_img_create_from_ftl(void *parent, const char *name, void *ftl, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h)从闪存中创建一个图像控件。 如果图像控件的宽度或高度设置为 0,那么控件的大小将根据图像源的大小自动设置。


如果想要更新图像控件的位置,开发者可以使用gui_img_set_location(gui_img_t *this, uint16_t x, uint16_t y)去更新位置。


开发者可以通过 gui_img_set_attribute(gui_img_t *this, const char *name, void *addr, int16_t x, int16_t y) 来设置图像控件的属性,替换为新图像并设置新坐标。


如果想要获取图像控件的高度/宽度,开发者可以使用 gui_img_get_height(gui_img_t *this)gui_img_get_width(gui_img_t *this)


开发者可以调用 gui_img_refresh_size(gui_img_t *_this)来刷新图像控件大小。


开发者可以使用 gui_img_set_mode(gui_img_t *_this, BLEND_MODE_TYPE mode)来设定图像控件的混合模式。


通过 gui_img_translate(gui_img_t *this, float t_x, float t_y) 来移动图像控件。 开发者可以将图像控件移动到新坐标,而不改变控件属性中的原始坐标。


开发者可以通过 gui_img_rotation(gui_img_t *this, float degrees, float c_x, float c_y)来围绕圆心旋转图像控件。


开发者可以使用 gui_img_scale(gui_img_t *this, float scale_x, float scale_y)调整图像控件的大小以满足需求。


图像控件的不透明度值是可调整的,开发者可以调用 gui_img_set_opacity(gui_img_t *_this, unsigned char opacity_value)来调整。


开发者可以通过 gui_img_set_animate(gui_img_t *_this, uint32_t dur, int repeat_count, void *callback, void *p)来设定图像控件的动画效果。


开发者可以调用 gui_img_set_quality(gui_img_t *_this, bool high_quality)来设定图像控件的显示质量。


开发者可以使用gui_img_tree_convert_to_img(gui_obj_t *obj, gui_matrix_t *matrix, uint8_t *shot_buf)来保存全屏截图。另外,可以使用gui_img_tree_convert_to_img_root_size(gui_obj_t *obj, gui_matrix_t *matrix, uint8_t *shot_buf)来保存当前控件大小的截图。保存的图像会是RGB格式。


#include "root_image_hongkong/ui_resource.h"
#include "gui_img.h"
#include "gui_text.h"
#include "draw_font.h"

char *tb1_text = "gui_img_create_from_mem";

void page_tb1(void *parent)
    static char array1[50];
    static char array2[50];

    gui_set_font_mem_resourse(24, TEST_FONT24_DOT_BIN, TEST_FONT24_TABLE_BIN);

    gui_img_t *img_test = gui_img_create_from_mem(parent, "test", SET_ON_BIN, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    gui_text_t *text1 = gui_text_create(parent, "text1", 10, 100, 300, 30);
    gui_text_set(text1, tb1_text, GUI_FONT_SRC_BMP, 0xffffffff, strlen(tb1_text), 24);
    gui_text_mode_set(text1, LEFT);

    gui_text_t *text2 = gui_text_create(parent, "text2", 10, 130, 330, 30);
    gui_text_set(text2, tb1_text, GUI_FONT_SRC_BMP, 0xffffffff, strlen(tb1_text), 24);
    gui_text_mode_set(text2, LEFT);
    sprintf(array1, "gui_img_get_height %d", gui_img_get_height(img_test));
    text2->utf_8 = array1;
    text2->len = strlen(array1);

    gui_text_t *text3 = gui_text_create(parent, "text3", 10, 160, 330, 30);
    gui_text_set(text3, tb1_text, GUI_FONT_SRC_BMP, 0xffffffff, strlen(tb1_text), 24);
    gui_text_mode_set(text3, LEFT);
    sprintf(array2, "gui_img_get_width %d", gui_img_get_width(img_test));
    text3->utf_8 = array2;
    text3->len = strlen(array2);

void page_tb2(void *parent)
    gui_set_font_mem_resourse(24, TEST_FONT24_DOT_BIN, TEST_FONT24_TABLE_BIN);

    gui_img_t *img_test = gui_img_create_from_mem(parent, "test", SET_ON_BIN, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    gui_img_set_location(img_test, 50, 50);

    gui_text_t *text2 = gui_text_create(parent, "text2", 10, 100, 330, 24);
    gui_text_set(text2, "gui_img_set_location", GUI_FONT_SRC_BMP, 0xffffffff, 20, 24);
    gui_text_mode_set(text2, LEFT);

void page_tb3(void *parent)
    gui_img_t *img_test = gui_img_create_from_mem(parent, "test", SET_ON_BIN, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    gui_img_set_attribute(img_test, "test", SET_OFF_BIN, 20, 20);

    gui_text_t *text3 = gui_text_create(parent, "text3", 10, 100, 330, 24);
    gui_text_set(text3, "gui_img_set_attribute", GUI_FONT_SRC_BMP, 0xffffffff, 21, 24);
    gui_text_mode_set(text3, LEFT);


void page_tb4(void *parent)
    gui_set_font_mem_resourse(24, TEST_FONT24_DOT_BIN, TEST_FONT24_TABLE_BIN);

    gui_img_t *img_test = gui_img_create_from_mem(parent, "test", SET_ON_BIN, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    gui_img_scale(img_test, 0.5, 0.5);

    gui_text_t *text4 = gui_text_create(parent, "text4", 10, 100, 330, 24);
    gui_text_set(text4, "gui_img_scale", GUI_FONT_SRC_BMP, 0xffffffff, 13, 24);
    gui_text_mode_set(text4, LEFT);

void page_tb5(void *parent)
    gui_set_font_mem_resourse(24, TEST_FONT24_DOT_BIN, TEST_FONT24_TABLE_BIN);

    gui_img_t *img_test = gui_img_create_from_mem(parent, "test", SET_ON_BIN, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    gui_img_translate(img_test, 100, 100);

    gui_text_t *text5 = gui_text_create(parent, "text5", 10, 100, 330, 24);
    gui_text_set(text5, "gui_img_translate", GUI_FONT_SRC_BMP, 0xffffffff, 17, 24);
    gui_text_mode_set(text5, LEFT);

void page_tb6(void *parent)
    gui_set_font_mem_resourse(24, TEST_FONT24_DOT_BIN, TEST_FONT24_TABLE_BIN);

    gui_img_t *img_test = gui_img_create_from_mem(parent, "test", SET_ON_BIN, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    gui_img_rotation(img_test, 10, 0, 0);

    gui_text_t *text6 = gui_text_create(parent, "text6", 10, 100, 330, 24);
    gui_text_set(text6, "gui_img_rotation", GUI_FONT_SRC_BMP, 0xffffffff, 16, 24);
    gui_text_mode_set(text6, LEFT);



uint16_t gui_img_get_width(gui_img_t *_this)

load the image to read it’s width

  • _this – the image widget pointer.


uint16_t image’s width

uint16_t gui_img_get_height(gui_img_t *_this)

load the image to read it’s hight

  • _this – the image widget pointer.


uint16_t image’s height

void gui_img_refresh_size(gui_img_t *_this)

refresh the image size from src

  • _this – the image widget pointer.

void gui_img_set_location(gui_img_t *_this, uint16_t x, uint16_t y)

set the image’s location

  • _this – the image widget pointer.

  • x – the x coordinate

  • y – the y coordinate

void gui_img_set_mode(gui_img_t *_this, BLEND_MODE_TYPE mode)

set the image’s blend mode.

  • _this – the image widget pointer.

  • mode – the enumeration value of the mode is BLEND_MODE_TYPE.

void gui_img_set_attribute(gui_img_t *_this, const char *name, void *addr, int16_t x, int16_t y)

set x,y and file path

  • _this – image widget

  • name – change widget name

  • addr – change picture address

  • x – X-axis coordinate

  • y – Y-axis coordinate

void gui_img_rotation(gui_img_t *_this, float degrees, float c_x, float c_y)

Rotate the image around the center of the circle.

  • _this – the image widget pointer.

  • degrees – clockwise rotation absolute angle

  • c_x – The X-axis coordinates of the center of the circle

  • c_y – The Y-axis coordinates of the center of the circle

void gui_img_scale(gui_img_t *_this, float scale_x, float scale_y)

Change the size of the image, take (0, 0) as the zoom center.

  • _this – the image widget pointer.

  • scale_x – Scale in the x direction

  • scale_y – Scale in the y direction

void gui_img_translate(gui_img_t *_this, float t_x, float t_y)

move image

  • _this – the image widget pointer.

  • t_x – New X-axis coordinate

  • t_y – New Y-axis coordinate

void gui_img_skew_x(gui_img_t *_this, float degrees)

skew image on X-axis

  • _this – the image widget pointer.

  • degrees – skew angle

void gui_img_skew_y(gui_img_t *_this, float degrees)

skew image on Y-axis

  • _this – the image widget pointer.

  • degrees – skew angle

void gui_img_set_opacity(gui_img_t *_this, unsigned char opacity_value)

Add opacity value to the image.

  • _this – the image widget pointer.

  • opacity_value – The opacity value ranges from 0 to 255, default 255.

gui_img_t *gui_img_create_from_mem(void *parent, const char *name, void *addr, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h)

creat an image widget from memory address


creat an image widget and set attribute

  • parent – the father widget it nested in.

  • name – widget name.

  • addr – bin file address.

  • x – the X-axis coordinate of the widget.

  • y – the Y-axis coordinate of the widget.

  • w – the width of the widget.

  • h – the hight of the widget.


return the widget object pointer.

gui_img_t *gui_img_create_from_ftl(void *parent, const char *name, void *ftl, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h)

creat an image widget from memory address


creat an image widget and set attribute

  • parent – the father widget it nested in.

  • name – widget name.

  • ftl – not xip address, use ftl address

  • x – the X-axis coordinate of the widget.

  • y – the Y-axis coordinate of the widget.

  • w – the width of the widget.

  • h – the hight of the widget.


return the widget object pointer.

gui_img_t *gui_img_create_from_fs(void *parent, const char *name, void *file, int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h)

creat an image widget from filesystem

  • parent – the father widget it nested in.

  • name – image widget name

  • file – image file path

  • x – the X-axis coordinate of the widget.

  • y – the Y-axis coordinate of the widget.

  • w – the width of the widget.

  • h – the hight of the widget.



void gui_img_set_animate(gui_img_t *_this, uint32_t dur, int repeat_count, void *callback, void *p)
  • _this

  • dur

  • repeat_count

  • callback

  • p

void gui_img_set_quality(gui_img_t *_this, bool high_quality)

set the image’s quality.

  • _this – the image widget pointer.

  • high_quality – image drawn in high quality or not.

void gui_img_tree_convert_to_img(gui_obj_t *obj, gui_matrix_t *matrix, uint8_t *shot_buf)
  • obj

  • matrix



void gui_img_tree_convert_to_img_root_size(gui_obj_t *obj, gui_matrix_t *matrix, uint8_t *shot_buf)

convert a tree to a image data in root widget’s size (RGB format)

  • obj – tree root

  • matrix – null if no need to transform

  • shot_buf – image data buffer

struct gui_img_t
#include <gui_img.h>

image widget structure

Public Members

gui_obj_t base
draw_img_t *draw_img
float degrees
float c_x

center of image x

float c_y

center of image y

float scale_x
float scale_y
float t_x

translate of screen x

float t_y

translate of screen y

void *data
void *filename
void *ftl
union gui_img_t.[anonymous] [anonymous]
gui_animate_t *animate
uint16_t scope_x1
uint16_t scope_x2
uint16_t scope_y1
uint16_t scope_y2
int16_t ax
int16_t ay
uint32_t opacity_value
uint32_t blend_mode
uint32_t src_mode
uint32_t high_quality
uint32_t press_flag

press to change picture to the highlighted

uint32_t release_flag
uint32_t scope
uint32_t scope_flag
uint8_t checksum