Mbed TLS

Mbed TLS is an open-source cryptographic library designed to be lightweight and easy to use. It provides developers with a comprehensive range of cryptographic primitives, protocols, and algorithms necessary for developing secure applications. These include support for modern SSL/TLS protocols, essential for encrypting internet traffic and ensuring secure communications between clients and servers. By focusing on security, efficiency, and ease of integration, Mbed TLS helps developers safeguard sensitive data against unauthorized access and cyber threats, all while simplifying the complexity of implementing cryptographic solutions.

More information on Mbed TLS can be found on the https://www.trustedfirmware.org/projects/mbed-tls/.


Mbed TLS offers a robust selection of features including:

  • Symmetric Encryption: AES, ARC4, Blowfish, Camellia, DES.

  • Hash Functions: MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2.

  • Public Key Algorithms: RSA, ECP, DSA.

  • TLS/SSL Protocols: Secure communication protocols for encrypted network traffic.

  • X.509: Certificate handling and verification.

  • Random Number Generation: For cryptographic purposes.


  1. Hardware AES and hardware random number generation are exclusively supported by the default settings.

  2. Due to memory constraints, some features are not supported, please refer to mbedtls_config.h.

Threading Primitives and Dynamic Memory

For the Mbed TLS component, dynamic memory allocation functions allows user configuration of application-specific allocation routines. When MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_MEMORY is set, the application can call calloc and free as dynamic memory allocation functions.

Additionally,MBEDTLS_THREADING_ALT is provided to enable multi-threading with FreeRTOS. This implementation leverages the CMSIS RTOS2 API to offer multi-threading support.

How to Integrate Mbed TLS into Application

Mbed TLS had been integrated with SDK to provide secure communication and data encryption. SDK supports Mbed TLS for users, making it easier for developers to build secure IoT applications. To integrate Mbed TLS in application, follow these steps:

  1. Setup the SDK Environment

    Follow the instructions in the to set up your development environment.

  2. Config and Compile Mbed TLS

    Open sdk\board\evb\mbedtls\mbedtls.uvprojx and users can config Mbed TLS features in mbedtls\mbedtls_config.h.

  3. Include Mbed TLS Headers

    In your application code, include the Mbed TLS headers:

    #include <mbedtls/platform.h>
    #include <mbedtls/net_sockets.h>
    #include <mbedtls/ssl.h>
    #include <mbedtls/ssl_ciphersuites.h>
    #include <mbedtls/entropy.h>
    #include <mbedtls/ctr_drbg.h>
    #include <mbedtls/x509_crt.h>
  4. Initialize and Configure Mbed TLS

    Initialize the Mbed TLS structures and configure the SSL/TLS settings as per your application’s requirements.

Example Usage

Here is a simple example to illustrate how to initialize and configure Mbed TLS for a secure connection:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <mbedtls/platform.h>
#include <mbedtls/net_sockets.h>
#include <mbedtls/ssl.h>
#include <mbedtls/ssl_ciphersuites.h>
#include <mbedtls/entropy.h>
#include <mbedtls/ctr_drbg.h>
#include <mbedtls/x509_crt.h>

int main(void)
	int ret;
	mbedtls_net_context server_fd;
	mbedtls_ssl_context ssl;
	mbedtls_ssl_config conf;


	// Initialize mbed TLS structures
	if((ret = mbedtls_ssl_setup(&ssl, &conf)) != 0)
		printf("mbedtls_ssl_setup failed: %d\n", ret);
		return -1;

	// Connect to server
	if((ret = mbedtls_net_connect(&server_fd, "example.com", "443", MBEDTLS_NET_PROTO_TCP)) != 0)
		printf("mbedtls_net_connect failed: %d\n", ret);
		return -1;

	// Setup SSL configuration
	mbedtls_ssl_set_bio(&ssl, &server_fd, mbedtls_net_send, mbedtls_net_recv, NULL);

	// Perform TLS handshake
	if((ret = mbedtls_ssl_handshake(&ssl)) != 0)
		printf("mbedtls_ssl_handshake failed: %d\n", ret);
		return -1;

	// Your secure communication code here

	// Cleanup and release resources

	return 0;